Murray, your free ebook is pirate? 😆

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Could be.

For free AI, IT stuff visit India. And Russia and Eastern Europe.

Can't leave any links here, just in case... The site may have to answer for it. Malaysians are honest and entirely kiasu, would forget about the issues raised here and rush straight to grabbing anything free.

Bolehlanders need to be educated. And get their learning as free as possible. Our universities are appalling sh*th*le outfits, just look at the recent near riot by racist students in defence of apartheid policies. Next we'll get a policy discriminating over the "wrong" kinds of people to receive medical treatment.

Bolehland is where the shrieking monkeys want to run the zoo.

Good luck with your visits to Russia, Eastern Europe, and Mouldy's scam country.

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can anyone suggest free eBooks in the area of Artificial Intelligence AI .. give me the links please. tqvm

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"free" means pirate sites, not a good idea to post them here... Not legal lah... site owner may not get his "Tan Sri" from PH for wayward behaviour... Site gets the great excuse to be closed instantly by the Gestapo

Ask around, Malaysia is full of Bugis, I mean pirates and thieves, those grabbing kiasu specialists in sniffing out anything free may assist you, just give them two free gifts... those in gomen, give them a nice title, maybe "Tun"...

Btw, I am not at the moment talking about the pirates and thieves in the gomen... Wahlau and wahpiang ah, plenty there too... Big timers too, fcuking rob the whole country.. ! Talk about them another time...

Good luck with meeting those pirates, kiasus, remember most AI books and even courses out of date very quickly, you'll waste time and energy running around outdated stuff

Maybe you can learn Chinese, the Chinese are the number one champions in AI, plenty of free scientific papers, plenty of shiite hot discussions even among kiddies, their ability makes us look like primitive wild doods from the jungle, naked, and still not wearing pirated Levis!

If you can't afford instantly out of date books, I have nothing against anyone who "steal" to be educated, the whole of India is a hot industry of intellectual property theft of everything under the sun, even their curries and sauces they pirate from Yorkshire!

Dato Seri Ahlong Chong Silva

Pirate of the Curry Beans


Nusantara (pirated also...)

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May 19·edited May 21

Ajahn Buddhadasa, Ajahn Chah used to say the farangs/Angmohs mostly thought of Buddhism, Buddhist thoughts and practices as great ideas and proceed to wreck their minds with their mental distortion and internal contradictions when they flirt with Eastern ideas.

One can certainly add childhood trauma to the above hindrances to spiritual development of them quirky types whose "superiority" many of those still with the slavish minds colonial subjects so beloved.

Still, I'm all for farangs leading us astray with their take on Eastern subjects for without them we may not get to that blessed Kingdom. Many in Malaysia still need their white saviours. Or even that brown-black one doing a precious few little things that look almost like running the country.

Until you can approach Dependent Origination with a tranquil clear mind, a mind free of concepts and isms, ithe subject is just another great idea, "sexy" topic the academics would say...

Make yourself a journey into the deep of a Thai jungle, stay in a forest retreat, stay there for as long as it takes to quiet your mind, maybe stay forever. Then you might just free yourself from intellectual-ism, an ego trap.

Alternatively, the Thai jungle is a great place to get away from it all if some fascists are after you because you hurt their fragile egos. Our naughty commies used to run into the Thai jungle with their arms and all, say hello to the Thai border guards who will stop any movement of our pursuing troops. The soldiers will not play soldiers with each other or with the Commies, it's all just a game to them.

Anyway, good luck with your dependent origination, when your unsettled mind has had enough, make your foray into the subject of the Doctrine of the Self.

The Office of the Emissary of the Pope in Bangkok sent some officials to a forest retreat, whereupon they were introduced to the practice of meditation. There were plenty of struggle to calm the mind down in the very least. After a couple of days, some seminarians managed to feel quietude. And that was when they panicked and wanted out.

And wtf, as my holy self would say...

If you want another way out, get yourself the book "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!", something like that. You can nick it from the Net. You can substitute the Buddha with Uncle Mo. The book is rather liberating, can exorcise Mullah Hardy and Mullah Laurel out of your system too, Alhamdullilah!

Among the Muslims, the Sufis seem to have got their balance right, they put a great emphasis on meditation.

Come back and tell us all about your polluting your little heads. I'd like to see the fcuking Catholics meet the Buddha in a shrine here, get terrified when they encounter quietude, Holy Mother and all..!

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