TC may be antiwar against Russia, but he is pro war with China. Trump even thought of having TC to run with him for VP. In fact TC is the propaganda mouthpiece for Trump.

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While we enjoy the hysteria caused by Carlson's visit to Moscow and his interview with Old Vlad, Ben Norton, pbuh, tackles some very pertinent and interesting aspects of the Tucker-Putin meet that has started the flood of condemnations, comments, and, of course, analyses.

Norton drew attention to what Vlad said about China, a favourite target of the US, and Tucker himself. While "traitor" Tucker's visit to Moscow enrages a section of the US and its allies, what Vlad reveals about China would surely cause them to piss blood through their butth*less, Alhamdullilah!



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Radical muslims are trying to force the elected govt of Malaysia to toe their line. They must be resisted all the way. Non muslims must not take anything for granted. It is obvious that there is no such thing as a moderate Malay. By definition that would mean Malays would lose everything.

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"They must be resisted all the way."


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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

While Malaysia's historical context may contrast with Russia's, you get the sense Putin and Carlson are also discussing the diversity and multiculturalism of Malaysians.

In likening multiculturalism to his own experience with Russian citizens, Putin subtly hints at the concept of the "tail wagging the dog," suggesting that the mindset of a wilful populace often transcends the actions and policies of their governments.


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"you get the sense Putin and Carlson are also discussing the diversity and multiculturalism of Malaysians"

I'm unable to get that "sense", can you kindly advise how you arrive at yours, please?

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