Well they can't complain now. They asked for it. In fact they begged for it. They (including the Kean Wong's of Malaysia) fought for Anwar to be their leader. And by implication they wanted his policy changes being implemented in Malaysia.

The first and only PM they had that allowed them real democracy was Datuk Seri Najib. He allowed these serpents and maggots to run riot with Bersih, distortions and abusive interpretations of the national anthem and insults to the Malays, Muslims, their Kings and Sultans, defiance of their constitution and laws and generally anti Islam anti Malay behaviour. He revoked the Internal Security Act and watered down the sedition act. Today these Chinese Communist remnants complain against the government they brought in by default.

Let them eat cake. Bring back the ISA and jail them for ever.

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"distortions and abusive interpretations of the national anthem"

The "national anthem" abused the copyright of the original Hawaiian hula number, don't believe the rather unoriginal "composer" ever paid up any royalty (No respect for royalty?). Or admitted his blooming lack of creativity...

Here's your Hawaiian anthem:


Only thing in common with us are the grass skirts, our genuine national costume before we stole another idea from the Indons...

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Dont see any similarities with the national anthem

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Not "see", you need use your ears.

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Nab scandalized Malaysia, and Malay Muslims, in the eyes of the world.

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"... and Malay Muslims, in the eyes of the world"

Frankly, "Malay Muslims" have zero standing in the eye(s) of the world even among Muslim nations whether or not "Nab scandalised" them.

So no need for any inappropriate self-flattery.

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"Chinese Communist remnants"

Who are they, and what about the Malay communist remnants? There were at least two regiments' worth, fine folks they were, none with that fcuked-up Ketuanan disease...

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The political leadership is so frail that this draconian legislation is necessary (according to them) to maintain stability. Corruption has engulfed Malaysia -everywhere billions of dollars stolen by Malay businesses raping the country. Some of those elites can't be arrested because the government will fall. A vicious circle. Anwar always wanted to be PM, now he has it, so he wants to continue ignoring all these criminals within his cabinet. Sad, Malaysia was once a great country -every democratic institution was dismantled by DR M and his successors-that we can't even call Malaysia an illiberal democracy. Malays (the majority) a sheepish people dont really have the guts to go out into the streets and demonstrate peacefully -they follow a corrupted malay leadership like sheep while being totally cheated.

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They should call the Madani man the Mirage Man

Not all there

A gasbag

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