Pakatan Harapan Coalition need to relentlessly de-escalate and de-construct the tribal and toxic Ketuanan politics of Race and Religion including racial and religious 'Hatred" Narratives as well as annilhilate the 'Corruption' Culture perpetrated by UMNO and PAS to justify their Greed for Power, Position and Wealth. It is imperative for Pakatan Harapan Coalition to counter UMNO's Ketuanan politics of Race & PAS's Ketuanan politics of Religion Sumpremacy with the universal values of "Liberty, Equality and Justice" for the Rakyat, By the Rakyat and Of the Rakyat from multi-cultural and multi-religious communities and promoting Racial Peace and Religious Harmony for the National Security and the future GENERATION of Malaysia as envigaed by our founding forefathers Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Cheng Lok and Tun VT Sambathan in our sacred, secular and supreme Federal Construction.

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We really do need to find a way to make a most shameful public example of corrupt ministers that they're unable to recover from, since the laws are not an adequate deterrent. Traditional shame hasn't worked on their horribly thickened skins they've grown so we must find an innovative way to make them really think twice about stealing from the rakyat, perhaps a recorded public flogging might do the trick for instance, now we just have to find a way to make that into a law!

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