Very well written,as alwsys,by murray hunter.

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Harap jgn la jd knyataan. Sy sayang johor.. Sy sayang malaysia. Dimana pahlawan melayu dlu berjuang bersama menentang mereka yg menawan. Sememangnya org luar pasti suka buat kita berpecah belah. Nenek moyang kita berpimpin tangan bersatu.. Klu dlu perang senjata... Harap ade yg bijak pndai pejuangkan psikologi utk membetulkn apa yg kurang.

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a complete narrative..lets vote for a change

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I have been doing so since i was 21. Decades later, nothing has changed. The odds are stacked against us. My one vote is not equivalent to the one vote of En A in Sabak Bernam. Unless we have one man one vote, it will remain an impossible dream

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Incisive,bold and well researched write ups as always.another writer who comes to my mind is mariam mokhtar,also a bold and writes the truth.

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