We do not need Indians, Chinese, gays, feminists or Eurasians in the Public service. Why? What each of these services and sectors need are simply competent efficient employees. And if they happen to be gay, women, feminists, Indians, Chinese or Malays then thats not a problem. Thats not the criteria.
To continually beat war drums on the employment of more Malays on the basis of affirmitive action is a throw back to the days of colonialism when Chinese and Indians were preferred over Malays. None of these two migrant groups complained then. They should bite their tongues now and grin till the imbalance is sorted out.
We do not need Indians, Chinese, gays, feminists or Eurasians in the Public service. Why? What each of these services and sectors need are simply competent efficient employees. And if they happen to be gay, women, feminists, Indians, Chinese or Malays then thats not a problem. Thats not the criteria.
To continually beat war drums on the employment of more Malays on the basis of affirmitive action is a throw back to the days of colonialism when Chinese and Indians were preferred over Malays. None of these two migrant groups complained then. They should bite their tongues now and grin till the imbalance is sorted out.