What a load of tired old beat up hogwash from the pen of an old communist in the new skin of a civil societies hack. What he can't take away from Mahathir is the man's indelible stamp on the decolonization of the old Malaysian mindset imbued in them by the likes of Lord MacAulay.
What Teck Ghee accuses Mahathir of is exactly what Lee Kuan Yew imposed on the non Chinese of Singapore in order to create hiss artificial generic race of Singaporean.
Malaysia remains the only country in the ASEAN region not to have criminalized racial identities of non indigenous peoples like the Chinese and Indians. It remains an offensive in most ASEAN countries to this day save for Malaysia where non indigenous people, the pendatangs have to adopt local names, attend local schools in the local language medium unlike their fellow pendatangs in places like Malaysia where vernacular schools for Chinese and Indians are common. The public display of cultural icons and images as a sign of freedom of ethnicity and cultural expression is not prohibited in Malaysia as it is in most of ASEAN. Courtesy of the Malays of course. And that includes Dr. Mahathir.
It must be a very bitter pill to swallow for the likes of Teck Ghee to realize that their backing of the wrong horse in Anwar Ibrahim was more than a waste of time but also a waste of hollow anti Malay anti Mahathir rhetoric which reflects poorly on their intellect and their tall tales of discrimination.
What insane porcine drivel! Lim is as "old communist" as the Keling Mamakthir is a Malay.
Labelling someone "communist" is an old British colonial ploy to protect its imperial interest from freedom fighters and those who may take over colonial assets.
Ditto with that Chinese and Malay divide and rule strategy, another old Brit colonial trick continued by its colonial niggah monkey stooges used to perpetuate Brit interests.
Britain's Sambo monkeys in Bolehland are so clueless and useless that long after their colonial massahs left, the blooming niggahs still can't quite work out any strategy of their very own to effectively and convincingly rule and run the country. Our monkeys have run down Bolehland over the long decades they have fcuked-up the country, doubtless through their hereditary genius.
I won't advise the wild idea of that keling Mamakthir and other twats which calls for non-Malays to adopt pirated Arab names, stop using chopsticks, laze about for free dedak, and wipe the arse with the hand before sticking their snouts and scooping feed from the trough. Made to do any of those, the non-bummies would only do their usual better job at everything ketuanan than the "chosen wans" or those pretenders with some teaspoons of the "right blood".
Be as it may seem, no Asian country forces such stupidity as making their nons amble around with the costume of their "pure ones". I certainly won't be keen to be seen in the sarongs introduced to our blessed monkeys by the Kelings of the Indian south, use digital effect to clean the rear end then eat a curry bihun. And on festive days and party jamborees, wander around in pyjamas in loud weird colours and with a Pakistani hat, wtf!
There are better things to do than make the nons go around and fcuk about in those genius wear pirated from everywhere else.
As Old Lao Tzu would say our disappointing monkeys love to be control freaks. And that's because they can't control anybody or anything. And that's how the monkeys will collapse Bolehland as surely they naturally would, Amin!
Btw, if I were to take up a "right" name, I'll pick an Orang Asli, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan or Dusun one. Or even Kooty. Otherwise it can only be but Rashid Maidin. Maybe Abdullah CD, thank you.
I must say LimTeck Ghee has done some competent work as one of the better qualified among those with an academic background.
Considering we've just had a work published in a questionable supposed peer-reviewed paper in which our longkang-grade academics falsify information that turned an ancient Chinese ship into a Malay one.
And that's also considering no near-similar Malay vessel existed either.
A couple of foreign scholars have already torpedoed the highly-embarrassing piece of "research" from probably the Ketuanan Shipyard. And next door to the invisible shipyard building our very invisible super-stealthy LCS vessels, wtf!
It does put all the works on Malay supremacy, eminence, blah into that suspect category called hogwash and fancifool mythology, Pah, and Ptuuii..! Shame!
What a load of tired old beat up hogwash from the pen of an old communist in the new skin of a civil societies hack. What he can't take away from Mahathir is the man's indelible stamp on the decolonization of the old Malaysian mindset imbued in them by the likes of Lord MacAulay.
What Teck Ghee accuses Mahathir of is exactly what Lee Kuan Yew imposed on the non Chinese of Singapore in order to create hiss artificial generic race of Singaporean.
Malaysia remains the only country in the ASEAN region not to have criminalized racial identities of non indigenous peoples like the Chinese and Indians. It remains an offensive in most ASEAN countries to this day save for Malaysia where non indigenous people, the pendatangs have to adopt local names, attend local schools in the local language medium unlike their fellow pendatangs in places like Malaysia where vernacular schools for Chinese and Indians are common. The public display of cultural icons and images as a sign of freedom of ethnicity and cultural expression is not prohibited in Malaysia as it is in most of ASEAN. Courtesy of the Malays of course. And that includes Dr. Mahathir.
It must be a very bitter pill to swallow for the likes of Teck Ghee to realize that their backing of the wrong horse in Anwar Ibrahim was more than a waste of time but also a waste of hollow anti Malay anti Mahathir rhetoric which reflects poorly on their intellect and their tall tales of discrimination.
What insane porcine drivel! Lim is as "old communist" as the Keling Mamakthir is a Malay.
Labelling someone "communist" is an old British colonial ploy to protect its imperial interest from freedom fighters and those who may take over colonial assets.
Ditto with that Chinese and Malay divide and rule strategy, another old Brit colonial trick continued by its colonial niggah monkey stooges used to perpetuate Brit interests.
Britain's Sambo monkeys in Bolehland are so clueless and useless that long after their colonial massahs left, the blooming niggahs still can't quite work out any strategy of their very own to effectively and convincingly rule and run the country. Our monkeys have run down Bolehland over the long decades they have fcuked-up the country, doubtless through their hereditary genius.
I won't advise the wild idea of that keling Mamakthir and other twats which calls for non-Malays to adopt pirated Arab names, stop using chopsticks, laze about for free dedak, and wipe the arse with the hand before sticking their snouts and scooping feed from the trough. Made to do any of those, the non-bummies would only do their usual better job at everything ketuanan than the "chosen wans" or those pretenders with some teaspoons of the "right blood".
Be as it may seem, no Asian country forces such stupidity as making their nons amble around with the costume of their "pure ones". I certainly won't be keen to be seen in the sarongs introduced to our blessed monkeys by the Kelings of the Indian south, use digital effect to clean the rear end then eat a curry bihun. And on festive days and party jamborees, wander around in pyjamas in loud weird colours and with a Pakistani hat, wtf!
There are better things to do than make the nons go around and fcuk about in those genius wear pirated from everywhere else.
As Old Lao Tzu would say our disappointing monkeys love to be control freaks. And that's because they can't control anybody or anything. And that's how the monkeys will collapse Bolehland as surely they naturally would, Amin!
Btw, if I were to take up a "right" name, I'll pick an Orang Asli, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan or Dusun one. Or even Kooty. Otherwise it can only be but Rashid Maidin. Maybe Abdullah CD, thank you.
I must say LimTeck Ghee has done some competent work as one of the better qualified among those with an academic background.
Considering we've just had a work published in a questionable supposed peer-reviewed paper in which our longkang-grade academics falsify information that turned an ancient Chinese ship into a Malay one.
And that's also considering no near-similar Malay vessel existed either.
A couple of foreign scholars have already torpedoed the highly-embarrassing piece of "research" from probably the Ketuanan Shipyard. And next door to the invisible shipyard building our very invisible super-stealthy LCS vessels, wtf!
It does put all the works on Malay supremacy, eminence, blah into that suspect category called hogwash and fancifool mythology, Pah, and Ptuuii..! Shame!
The very able Mariam Mokhtar has done us a good piece of work, be sure to help yourself to a thorough read:
"Counting the cost: Ketuanan Melayu, Bumiputraism & Racial Discrimination"
Tun mahathir is about the past. He did his best since 1981. Now it is about the future.
We need a stable government. We need a vibrant economy and we need a fulfilled society.
Lets work on that!
"He did his best since 1981."
Yeah, for himself!
And his Keling family.