Only 1 out of 97 plc are controlled by bumi.this shows whatever policies at the moment,it failed. Even though 87% of wealth creation are in private sector, it appears bumi policies target only the 13% of public sector businesses.

The madani economic policies,compassion not withstanding,should target bumiputra to control at least 30% of all plcs and 50% of all private sector businesses.

To achieve this, equal opportunity act must be legislated and enforced to ensure the non bumi wealth creators comply.

Agencies such as mara,pns and punb must be focussed to help bumi SMEs to grow and become public listed companies.

Grants to upgrade their businesses and soft loans to help them get a proper shop lot and renovate for example will give roadside stalls a safer and more comfortable place to offer their products and services.

They must be guided to build their businesses such as having a proper enterprise,a business license with the local government,,a business bank account, have proper health certificates from ministry of health and register with ministry of finance for opportunity to get government jobs.

To avoid them abusing it, these mara,pns and punb agencies can pay direct to supplier of equipments, renter of premises and contractor to renovate the place of trade. All the smes has to do is identify what they need.

Point of sales software can be used, linked the businesses to these agencies to track each busineses and can be used to summarise daily,weekly and monthly income and expense.

It will ensure ontime monthly payment of the soft loan to the agencies and thus give credibility for more support if the smes want to open more branches and expand.

If this is done properly, our sme contribution to the economy will increase from 40% to 60% of the gdp and a fairer opportunity for all to create,generate and distribute wealth.

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You already knew bumi equity policies have failed, yet why still advocating for same policies? Why continue to waste more public monies?

The world will not stop for the bumiputera business class to catch up. It is better for the madani government to focus on how to help individuals in the b40 & m40 to improve their knowledge & productivity. Affirmative action has to be on needs based rather than race based approach.

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How can it be a Bumi congress when not one bumi is involved? Malays have hijacked the term Bumi. They are not bumis. The real ones eg. Jakun, Sakai, Dayak, Iban, Kadazun, etc have been sidelined or staying in reservations.

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