Dear Mr Salleh Kamil

Congratulations for your note. Elites define the possibilities of development of a country.

In relation with elites evaluation I kindly suggest to consult Elite Quality Index, an evaluation of elites based on an annual study conducted by St Gallen University (Switzerland). I have no relation with them but academic, and it is impressive how accurate they describe elites in Latin America, region where I practice my profession.

You will be able to find Malaysia and many other countries analysis. Kindest regards


Pablo San Martin, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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St Gallen is noted more for it's bratwurst...

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The modern Malay is the projeny of migrants from Indonesia who have mated with the indigenous tribes eg jakun, Sakai, orang laut. So having jakun genes will not get you very far under your own steam. That’s where NEP and Ketuanan comes in. It is policy that these core Malay beliefs must prevail at all times. So after 60 years of preferential treatment for Malays and suppression of Chinese, the national fabric is shredding. Without Chinese physical effort and monetary support, Malaysia will collapse. Our economy is in that position of requiring intensive care. Yet PMX keeps giving handouts to Malays as well as to Hamas while neglecting the vernacular schools. It must be noted that these schools produce people who are productive and are part of the pillar that hold up Malaysia. Tengku Razaleigh is right. In Malaysia the majority monkeys outnumber the tigers. They determine policy. That’s why Malaysia cannot be an economic tiger. There are just too many monkeys around.

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We were a Monkey dressed like a tiger. Though the truth prevail on our corruption and incapability, nothing has changed over the past 3 decades.

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"suppression of Chinese" is fine.

Provided our dogsh*t "supremacists" can find replacement for Chinese ingenuity, hard work, enterprise, etc, most of all the Chinese ability to survive in spite of suppression and oppression.

So what's the bleeding problem our "elite" and "supremacists" can't copy China?

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