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Given their sordid race exclusion history and purpose, it will be a Chinese individual appointed to the post of party president and to all other posts of any value. It will fuel their victimhood and draw their tribes closer in the belief they are being persecuted. They will continnue to corrupt yhr dydtrm with money where merit is unavailable (and thats all the time).

The gall of these people to compare themselves with Singapores PAP. The PAP who although conveniently and cleverly swamped the island state with Chinamen, expelling Indians save for a small coetrie of Lee sychophants and Malays they could not expel but managd to intimidate, worked a meritocracy albeit a "best amongst Chinese" type of meritocracy which was ideal for the big shopping centre called Singapore.

None of the PAP's virtues were ever adopted by the DAP. They should go and they will go with Anwar.

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