"The Madani government, already under scrutiny for various issues, can ill afford perceptions of nepotism and cronyism."
Yes, they are under scrutiny but, at this point, does anybody think Mr. Madani cares? In recent months the Malaysian government has consistently beclowned itself. What's one more questionable appointment?
Nurul is nothing mmmore nothing less than a political slut as is her mother and hether the mal equivalent. I do not have apologise for my choce of words in this regard.
She was educated at the Assunta convent then secured a scholarship (although it is said she was funded by her parents) to Johns Hopkins University in the US where children of compromised politicians and targets of recruitment for the CIA and the NED are groomed and preped for clandestine work in places like Malaysia. Their purpose is to pave the way for the larer and wider ambitions of the US and its political objectives.
The rest as they say is history. In the case of the Ibrahim family, a torrid history of subterfuge, deception, political prostitution and rayal at every level including as between the members of the family itself.
"The Madani government, already under scrutiny for various issues, can ill afford perceptions of nepotism and cronyism."
Yes, they are under scrutiny but, at this point, does anybody think Mr. Madani cares? In recent months the Malaysian government has consistently beclowned itself. What's one more questionable appointment?
Nurul is nothing mmmore nothing less than a political slut as is her mother and hether the mal equivalent. I do not have apologise for my choce of words in this regard.
She was educated at the Assunta convent then secured a scholarship (although it is said she was funded by her parents) to Johns Hopkins University in the US where children of compromised politicians and targets of recruitment for the CIA and the NED are groomed and preped for clandestine work in places like Malaysia. Their purpose is to pave the way for the larer and wider ambitions of the US and its political objectives.
The rest as they say is history. In the case of the Ibrahim family, a torrid history of subterfuge, deception, political prostitution and rayal at every level including as between the members of the family itself.