A keropok seller. My my what a crime. Some of the world's most inspiring leaders arose from very humble backgrounds.

Take Benjamin Franklin, for example. Here’s a man who was the son of a candlemaker and the 15th of 17 children. He had only two years of formal education. At the age of 17, Franklin left home and traveled to Philadelphia where he created an enormously successful printing business. He went on to publish Poor Richard’s Almanac—a book filled with proverbs preaching industry and prudence. It was publish continuously for 25 years and became one of the most popular publications in colonial America, selling an average of 10,000 copies a year. Add inventor, thinker, scientist and statesman to Franklin’s resume as well.

The granddaughter of slaves, Rosa Parks attended a small, segregated school in Pine Level, AL. She dropped out of high school to care for her mother and granddaughter. In 1943, she joined the NAACP and served as secretary to NAACP President until 1957. Parks is most famously known for her refusal to surrender her bus seat, sparking a 381 day long bus boycott in Montgomery, AL. She helped launch a nationwide effort to end segregation of public facilities.

Mao even though a Chinaman was also a great leader of even lesser social pedigree. He lay the roots to what today is arguably the most impressive nation of the modern world. So too with Deng Xiao Peng and Xi Jin Peng.

Winston Churchill on the other hand Through his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, the meteoric Tory politician, was directly descended from John Churchill, 1st duke of Marlborough, the hero of the wars against Louis XIV of France in the early 18th century. His mother, Jennie Jerome, a noted beauty, was the daughter of a New York financier and horse racing enthusiast, Leonard W. Jerom. NOnetheless he was an opium addict, an alcoholic (from his mother) a womanizer, rapits and syphillitic . Add to that one of the greatest mass murderers in modern history.

Churchill against all good advise was responsible for some off the worst massacres of genocidal proportions in the colonies. The Bengal famine which he ordered, cost over 5,000,000 Indian lives. The consequential deaths rose to more than twice that number. He attempted to wipe out the people of Mesopotamia with mustard gasbut was thwarted.

So why judge a keropok seller so harshly? It is not as if this report is some erudite work of seminal scholarship. It is after all the feeble scribbling of an anti government self hating Malay likely in the payroll and dog leash of some Chinese political group of the Kuomintang variety.

To the author and publisher of this embarrassment, I say "minum kenching anging".

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My my, Gopher Chicken Korma, have you no more black or dark brown folks you admire? Like those from, say, Asia? Or Africa? Or South America?

Like folks whose bios are less easy than to copy off the approved list of your white massahs?

The trouble with you subcontinental monkeys is try hard as you may you just can't shake off the mental yoke imposed on you by the bollocks carts parked by your white massahs inside your tiny plantation niggah slavewallah heads!

There's that wonderful saying that suits Uncle Toms like you that goes "The last white man to die in India will be an Indian"!

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Gopher Chicken Korma, your parents keropok sellers?

Or just too lazy to earn an honest living and happy being parasites living off free dedak handouts?

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Wow,Gopi you sudah ajar saya you are no raw emosi guy Can write history. People like you write to deliberately insult Chinese with the hope that Chinese will insult the Malays back. That way the Malays will hate the Chinese and of course the most important thing of all won't vote in a Cinababi. Isn't that what you are after.

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"Once premier Think Tank.."

The premier ain't got no "Think Tank", he's just incapable of thinking through anything.

The premier has a large gas tank, though, and full of marsh gas giving wind to his excessive holy bullock shiite.

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I guess your website is still banned like porn without vpn

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Gopi who taught you how to use AI chatgpt

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Must be some very kind and patient retired Chinese uncles and aunts.

With experience in dealing with those mentally retarded poor learners.

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