The silly little thicko at it again! The ignorant cave monkey obviously means "overseas Chinese" to be Chinese Malaysians.
"Overseas Chinese" are Chinese nationals living outside China, including Bolehland, where our gomen dare not touch them or piss them off. We had that incident when our tree-swinging rednecks threatened the Chinese, and the Chinese ambassador appeared and said a few words - and our gomen immediately swung into action, told our red-shirted rednecks to shut up and fcuk off.
To this day no one is clear which Chinese His Excellency the Chinese ambassador meant, his own flock, the Overseas Chinese or Chinese Malaysians. Or both. But still, our gomen quickly quell the flames that was fanned.
If I remember right, the mat armpit red-shirted redneck thug who fan the flames for his barbecue fish stall saw his career as a little anti-Chinese sh*thead sh*t stirrer ended the very day the Chinese ambassador spoke his few words and our gomen immediately snapped to attention.
The little red-shirted redneck racist longkang "supremacist" almost-legend has not been heard of since. Is he in jail?
Boss, here's the latest, Xi is getting Hamas and the PLO to meet up, shake hands. In Beijing!
Social media is flooding with mostly the Muslims raving about this, cheering the Chinese, wishing another Iran-Saudi-like success for the Chinese in the Middle East, Alhamdullilah and all that..!
I think I'll just console myself with that pirated disc of Taylor Swift I bought in Beijing, I was roaming around, nothing to do, Xi only gave me a few minutes of his time...
Not unexpected, although supposedly a parody, when it rains in China, overseas Chinese unfold their umbrellas.
"overseas Chinese unfold their umbrellas"
The silly little thicko at it again! The ignorant cave monkey obviously means "overseas Chinese" to be Chinese Malaysians.
"Overseas Chinese" are Chinese nationals living outside China, including Bolehland, where our gomen dare not touch them or piss them off. We had that incident when our tree-swinging rednecks threatened the Chinese, and the Chinese ambassador appeared and said a few words - and our gomen immediately swung into action, told our red-shirted rednecks to shut up and fcuk off.
To this day no one is clear which Chinese His Excellency the Chinese ambassador meant, his own flock, the Overseas Chinese or Chinese Malaysians. Or both. But still, our gomen quickly quell the flames that was fanned.
If I remember right, the mat armpit red-shirted redneck thug who fan the flames for his barbecue fish stall saw his career as a little anti-Chinese sh*thead sh*t stirrer ended the very day the Chinese ambassador spoke his few words and our gomen immediately snapped to attention.
The little red-shirted redneck racist longkang "supremacist" almost-legend has not been heard of since. Is he in jail?
Boss, here's the latest, Xi is getting Hamas and the PLO to meet up, shake hands. In Beijing!
Social media is flooding with mostly the Muslims raving about this, cheering the Chinese, wishing another Iran-Saudi-like success for the Chinese in the Middle East, Alhamdullilah and all that..!
I think I'll just console myself with that pirated disc of Taylor Swift I bought in Beijing, I was roaming around, nothing to do, Xi only gave me a few minutes of his time...