It's about time, Murray, but the article is just commentary without addressing the root of the matter.

When reading a book, bypassing a misunderstood word leads to another confusing term, and ignoring that leads to yet another. The process repeats itself until you misunderstand or cease reading the book entirely. The key to understanding the book is first deciphering the initial misunderstood word.

In Najib's SRC trial, the proverbial misunderstood word is that his judge was, in a previous capacity, the legal advisor to a bank that managed the SRC account; hence, common sense dictates that he was not qualified to judge the SRC matter. But despite his position, his judgment was relayed to the higher courts that affirmed the decision.

Najib's jailing, and by extension, his pardon, must address the root of the judge's involvement in the SRC matter at the material time.

Everything else is commentary.


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Whatever one says about anwar, he knows the game and seized power when it matters. He is no doubt all talk and no action when it comes to delivering results. He is a politician, when to jail because of it and now become pm also because of the same.

He is not one to plan things.He simply says things with all kinds of promises but tend to leave it at that. Elon cant stand him, he cannot solve the weakening ringgit, the petrol price and have no idea how to even ensure rice is available to everyone.

Najib will be released. Anwar knows najib will have no choice but to support him and keep zahid in check. Of course tok mat and isham jalil is finished but umno will grow back to become a strong malay party.

All said and done, its time for ds najib to be back with his family and especially to be with his much loved Kiki.

Amwar is a true reformer.

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A country of men rather than laws is doomed. There can be no possible reason for the Agong, or anyone, to pardon him. Cooking up 'legal' explanations for why Najib should be released is ludicrous. The respect that Malaysian royalty experience now will drop several notches if Najib is pardoned. Malaysia's royal institution, in many ways, provides a level of stability for the country. If Najib is pardoned then it will only reinforce the idea that Malaysia is simply not capable of governing itself.

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Joe Fernandez is perhaps the most articulate and informed writer Malaysia has ever produced in recent decades. I suspect though that this piece has been heavily heavily edited for space.

Fernandez has written a piece on the courts decision to try and to jail Najib without proper representation and representation of his choice. The decision of the court is perhaps one of the most glaring and egregious examples of ignorance and inexperience in the hands of a politically selected celebration of incompetence in the judge who jailed DS Najib.

It is also aa glaring example of the standards within the legal professsion in Malaysia. Another outstanding example of the celebration and collective of incompetence and ignorance is the Malaysian Bar.

I strongly suspect Fernandez is a constitutional lawyer, not to be confused by Ambiga Srinivasan and Tommy Thomas, two self proclaimed experts on the constitution whose demonstrated knowledge on the subject speaks otherwise.

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All the discussions, debates, wanking, etc over Ah Jib's pardon is unholy waste of time. Even though we have excessive public holidays for Bolehlanders with nothing to do like our punters, speculators, bomohs, and especially our many crap lawyers, unemployed lawyers, unemployable lawyers, law students, and failed law students. Bolehland is over-blessed with these noisy sh*thead retards always needing to give their five sens worth for free and when not asked.

To save these Bolehland wonders from themselves and to save Bolehland, the case of Ah Jib should be left to Ah Gong. This way we can save the above bunch of wankers masturbating themselves to death over legal texts, debates, discussions, etc and bless Bolehlanders with their opinions.

Getting Ah Gong to decide would dispense with the expensive need for courts, justice departments, judges, courtwallahs, and most of all the crap lawyers, which will save a lot of money. We can relieve Mullah Anwar of making any decision and even get rid of him.

As Anwar himself was foisted into power by Ah Gong to form a gomen as a "PM", we can also get rid of elections, election machinery, election bureaucracy, and all those embarrassing fcukheads in gomen. That would save a lot of money, and save Bolehlanders from having to hear the garbage politicians from opening their big mouths. Bolehlanders can even get rid of the "orator" Anwar, save him from himself!

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There is a saying amongst diplomats, ' The Americans often forget. The British try not to forget. The French never forget. The Chinese never never forget. The Malaysians forgive and forget !'

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What bleeding "diplomats"?

It's your usual few faulty grey cells churning out prized bullshiite, My "Learned" Colleague!

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So, Mr Corn Can:

What bleeding "diplomats"?

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Syphilitic Singaprean idiot, mind your vulgar language ! Hangchou Asian Games. India Men Hockey Team walloped Singapore 16-0. Women 13-1. Singapore Women 4X100 Medley swimming team disqualified for cheating ! That's what Singapore is good for - cheating.

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I rejoice with you over Singapore which humiliated you and got rid of you for the massive obese bull manure entity you are, but for a pretend banana fake Hakka, and pretend fake Angmoh like you, the spelling is HANGZHOU!

What a freaking schizophrenic and narcissistic retard freak you are, can't watch anything and take in nothing!

And why hasn't Malaysia field you for the balls-carrying event in HANGZHOU, and has Lee Hsien Loony barred you for entering Singapore to spread stupidity?

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Syphilitic BX. You did not go up to Cambridge. Shut up idiot !

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Stupid fcuk head, I'm in Cambridge right now, it doesn't measure up to the MIT, why are you shagging yourself stupid thinking it is the last word in education?

If ever you were from Cambridge University and not the local lockup for psychiatric inmates, you'll know it lost its standing ages ago.

Don't forget the overrated establishment produced raving schizophrenics and extreme delusional narcissists very much like you who ended up nowhere and a gigantic obese freaking bankrupt!

If you were from Cambridge U, how come you're never in its hall of fame for even half of the multitude of bombastic claim you constantly brag about yourself, you, and yourself?

It's a crying shame you are not even a honorary mention for anything after your monumental effort to make a blazing big ass of yourself.

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Your comments are absolutely syphilitic. General Paralysis of the Insane. You are abusing the hospitality of this distinguished Blog by slander and libel on me whom you do not know from Adam, Idiot Singaporean. You are very jealosus because you are descended from the sweaty bare-back coolies who were used at Keppel Harbour.! Your foul language revealed, Idiot !

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Mr Corn Can, aren't you overplaying on your narcissistic triangulation card trying to bank in on Malaysian dislike for Singapore and winning yourself support defending your massive obese carcass from being soundly walloped by me?

I'm not Singaporean, and I'm not Indian, and I'm not Portuguese.

It would help your "Christian" love and compassion to know I'm not "syphilitic" as your charitably and fondly wish.

It's high time you try something else that can really get at me.

And get me good!

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Syphilitic idiot ! !5 members of my family went up to Cambridge between 1921 - 2015. There were 2 Prime Ministers, 1 Minister of Finance and a Minister etc. Shut your gab.

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What about your relatives who went to the moon, the ones that make Hakka yong tauhu, the ones that ruled Malaya, and you, among the ones that went to psychiatric wards.

And you again, the famous fcuking bankrupt of absolutely no consequence?

Wtf is that 1 minister, 2 minister crap, if at all half true, got you nowhere at all!

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If allowed, what a slap to his unity govt partner DAP!

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