This is just a political move to win the chinese support. In reality the chinese prefer to let the bumi get the projects and buy it off from them. Pay them 2% and presigned the cheques.

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Similarly, one might question whether BlackRock and other venture capitalists could overhaul their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) protocol, which has garnered a fair bit of attention.


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Who in their right minds in a majority who have been benefittting from the Bumi putera system would want to consider a reconstruct (read aborgating or abandoning ) it? It is so Chinese a suggestion in an effort to advance a dying narrative of victimhood by an avaracious bunch of insatiable Chinese chauvanists. This is what Lee Kuan himself feared. Not so much the communists but the Chinese chauvanists.

Wait till you hear from the Indians (those brain surgeons and rocket scientists out of a job because they are Indians) in a variation to Lim's theme.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

"It is so Chinese.."

There's no such thing except from a racist.

Lee (or Lim?) Kuan Yew saw himself as a "middle class Englishman", feared the Chinese in Singapore (and China), took it upon himself to look down at and victimise the Chinese.

Lee/Lim was an Angmoh chauvinist what our pretend-Arabs are in their Arab outfits. Lee/Lim was then serving Western interests and was fighting a tough bunch of Chinese, one of whom was that formidable Lim Chin Siong, whom Lee/Lim was always imprisoning but whom Lee/Lim always admired.

The Chinese (China and Singapore) played the long game, Lee/Lim had to swallow his spit when China turned the table from Deng Xiao Ping's time, and "Harry" had to crawl to China, praised China, sought Chinese money while pumping money into China. Ditto with Lee/Lim Junior, another act complete turn around from them "yellow-skinned Englishmen" days. These days Singapore even echo whatever China says.

Still, no complete change, Lee/Lim Junior still follows dad "Harry's" old ways from the time dad was spitting on Mamakthir, tripping the Indian-Malay or the Indian-Indian everytime he opened his big mouth and spoke Indian-English with a Vindaloo accent. Placed side by side to Harry, Mamakthir always looked a pathetic coolie from a jungle plantation, always thoroughly pissed off and depressed after seeing Old Harry, who as always got what he wanted from the pretend-Malay Mamak chap, an island, an airline, some land, cheap water, even air stewardess uniforms which Malaysia even had to pirate off! Mustn't say it was Lee/Lim Kuan Yew alone, the whole of Singapore looks down on anything Malaysia. The only thing Singaporeans know about Malaysia is it is a petrol station.

Malaysians only know everything is nice in Singapore but expensive, and Singapore currency is damn powerful. While Malaysian currency is glorified toilet paper in serious danger of a breakthrough as it gets thinner.

Singapore stole the Malay lingo for its national anthem. While Malaysia stole it's anthem from Hawaii, wtf!

Your take on this subject area is old hat, stuck in the period some quarter century ago. Things' changed a lot since, you should discard those ancient racist views, read up, research, and take on fresh racist views, don't be so kiasu about getting rid of your outdated hoard of irrelevant antique racist bollocks!

Btw, reactionary, self-opinionated and fixed-minded as he was, Old Harry went to his grave with his unchangeable view inside every Malay hides a terrorist. You may want to remind yourself of that as you proudly reference him...

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