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The Malays in the wider sections of the diaspora never migrated (voluntarily at least). They were transported ass slaves by the Portuguese, the British and the Dutch as were Indians found in the far reaches of the wolrld..

The Jews on the other hand are a cult. There was no land of Isael from which they were dispersed by the Roman as the myth goes. Yisroel means in Aramic "In whom God is plased". From this statement came various interpretations including "Israelis", the "Chosen" who God promised to redeem and give a home called Israel. A variation to the word Yisrol. If you believe that, which I am afraid many people do, then you believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Clause (who by the way was a Turk) and the gnome at the bottom of the garden.

The Malays of course are an intelligent people who are in fact sspread over a wide area of South East Asia and beyond (India's North Eatern States). But the world having been carved out by Europeans and Mongols over several millienium means that many of the Malays living in places like Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar and North Western India are wrongly identified as being racially and culturally different to the Malay.

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