External Affairs Minister of India, Jayshankar Subramaniam responded unequivocally on the matterr of fence sitting to a reporter not long ago.

India's position on the criticism that India was 'sitting on the fence' (with reference to India's position vis a vis Russia on the war in Ukraine), Jayashankar articulated thus: "India is not sitting on the fence" but "sitting on its ground."

Trump has a different unique simlpllistic view of the world. It is very American as articulated by George Bush Jnr. during the second Gulf War. "If you are not with us you are against us". That statement is a variation to the biblical theme (New Testament) which reads "he who is not with me is against me". I paraphrase here.

The world has changed significantly and radically since Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. It has changed from what it was before and has changed even more since. Some more changes to the Trump attitude of Trump 2016. He has assured the people that none of his children will have a role to play in the administration. A good mature move. A step in the right direction.

China, India, Russia, South Africa, Iran and Saudi Arabia are no longer those states that used to jump at the howl of the big bad wolf 'The West'. Trump knows where his bread is buttered inspite of his crude juvenile rhetoric and undiplomatic language. Trumps rhetoric and undiplomatic language is in fact a carefully crafted ploy to attract the millions of Americans marginalized by the Washington elites and their cronies for decades. It is what simpletons (the majority of the American people of today) understand and wish for.

Trump cannot retool the USA overnight by bringing back jobs from China, India and Mexico during his second term in office. It takes a lot more than 4 years to do that, especially when 14,000,000 otherwise able bodied, employable, individuals are now hooked on drugs of dependance and unemployable.

Then there is the case of strutural unemployment where jobs which once existed are no longer avaailable with robots and computers having taken their place. There are lots more problems with respect to the US economy. He'll have to shut down Walmart and the food franchises to achieve the kind of economic miracle he wants for the USA.

Those groupies clamouring to congradulate Trump are nothing more than sychophants, desperados, insecure leaders and those wanting military and financial support from Washington like Zelensky and Nethanyahu. Nothing unusual about that. Its been a staple of the US in keeping countries dependent on its foreign policy.

A not unexpected casualty of the re election of Trump is the collapse of the German government of Olaf Scholz. Chancellor, Olaf Scholz yesterday. Shultz unexpectedly sacked his finance minister, plunging Europe’s largest economy into political disarray.

There is much more to come in the months ahead. Israel will not get the support it expects from Trump like it had in his previous incarnation as president of the US. Israel is vulnerable, ustable and not the superman with divine powers it was before. Trump knows that it can't decouple from the Ukraine whilst supporting a more unpopular cause of the survival of the Jewish state which Jews themselves are abandoning.

No wonder there is that queue outside the Tump telephone booth.

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Existential is the most overused word in papers, commentary etc. in the world today. Ditto Existential Crisis. Probably the most Existential Crisis in the world is the overuse of the phrase Existential Crisis.

Trump is essentially saying what the Indian External Affairs Minister said: "America is sitting on its' ground." America First does not mean America Only. It means America will not place fillintheblank countrie's interest ahead of its' own. No nation should. India should not place America's interests ahead of its' own, nor should it expect America to place India's interest ahead of its' own. For to long certain segments (Looking at you Europe) have thought that and expected that. Everyone resents America telling it what to do but wants to tell America what to do. And then can't understand why America resents it.

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