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When the Australian and New Zealand media got news of the proposed ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel, they interviewed a Lebanese Muslim who proclaimed "the Victory of Hezbollah has punished the Israelis that they demand and secured a ceasefire".

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC) mocked the man by showing shots of demolished buildings and the rubble in Beirut as a backdrop to his comments, mockingly saying, "this is what Hezbollah refers to as their Victory".

Little do the XYZ and millenial generations of the West today recall how with more than twice the number of bombs dropped in world war I and II on Vietnam and more rubble from US violence against them, the Viet Cong won that war humiliating and destroying the USA and the West. It was a victory by the outnumbered, outclassed, out gunned Viet Cong for which we all ought to be grateful.

Israel of its own admission has run out of ammunition, supplies, spares and personnel and the will to continue to prosecute this massacre against innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon. Bombing from the air and demolishing physical structures on the ground against any force that has no air power. These bombed out buildings and streets are not signs or symbols of victory. It is evidence of vandalism. Not victory.

The Chinese and Vietnamese taught the east, Africa and Latin America how to resist and destroy an enemy much bigger, better armed and seemingly more powerful than we mere mortals ar perceived to be as was the case in the Vietnam war.

The US is destroyed from the inside and together with them their allies in NATO and Israel. Appropriately China does not have an "Israel" in their official maps of the world.

Might is neither right nor white. Not anymore.

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