A bomb? Discovered by a mechanic? More details of what actually happened, what that thing really is under the car, and what police plan to do about it are needed. AND, as the author says, officials need to speak out about this. Intimidation of this type should be denounced and stopped.
The madani government seems more worried about losing selangor and n9 to pn this coming election.
It appears that in selangor, all 9 amanah and 12 umno seats contested will be wiped out by pn. Given that pkr 20 seats are mostly malay and malay indian majority, it is expected that pn will take 15 of the state seats. A 36 seats win by pn means anwar loses selangor.
In n9, all 3 amanah, 17 umno and 4 out of 6 pkr contested seats will be wiped out by pn too. This especially after the visit by tun m to sikamat in seremban tonight. A 24 seats win by pn means anwar loses n9.
Politicians are about power. Power is evil. Anwar and his parliamentarian are more worried about Tun's visit to mb of n9 sikamat DUN.
Yes, ph candidates have lost confidence. They umno boys are embarrassed to have teamed up with dap and to face the malay voters.
1975 and siti kassim's death will not impact pn but it will affect youth and human rights voters for ph.
"The bomb threat was discovered on 21 July. To be fair, I waited till today (two days later) to see if the Madani cabinet had expressed outrage at the attempt on Siti’s life".
I think Ms. Mokhtar ought to get her definitions and description of this event right.
There was no threat issued against Siti Kassim. There is a photograph and the absence of any conclusive police report published yet to suggest or corroborate the claaims that this was a bomb or a threat against Siti Kasssim specifically.
It appears from the photo in the previous article about the Siti Kassim incident that what appears to be a couple of molotov cocktail type of incendiary devices were tied to the rear axle of Ms. Kassim's car. If that photograph was indeed a photograph of what purpoprts to be a"bomb" under her car hoow does that allow anyone to conclude that it waass a threat dioorecteed at her.
There are too many loose ends to this story to draw any conclusions from it sufficient for parliament to rise in condemnation of what? Who are they condemning? What are they condemning? what purpose does the act of a parliamentary condemnation seerve?
There have been far worse incidents against individuals and groups against ordinary citizens and members of parliament which no one has even broken wind about.
Siti Kassim is like the boy that cried wolf. She haas once too often and with little merit or subatance to her claims made far fetched and scurrilous allegations about a variety of people in the most undignified of ways.
Perhapss wwe ought to wait for a comeplte forensic report about the "bomb" and how the device, which looks rather benign from the photograph got there in the first place and if a threat (implied or direct) accompanied or preceded the discovery of the device.
Siti Kassim needs to be interrogated and assist the police by providing as much detail as is possible about the incident. How she came to know or discover the device. Street cameras around the area where her car was last parked, her own location by reference to her mobile phone. These are questions to which responses could provide vital clues as to who was behind the "threat" and "Bomb".
Perhaps it was a bomb indeed and Siti Kassim forgot to tell the police and the media the rest of the details like the nature of the threats, when and who made them to her and how. Phone, in writing or by messenger. Lets wait.
According to the New Straits Times of 21 July 2023, that object affixed to the right rear wheel of Siti Kassim's car is an improvised explosive device. The Bomb Disposal Unit had also carried out and "explosion test" on the device, though that is not clear whether they detonated the device or used some other explosive on it:-
Objects under Siti Kasim's car are IED, say police
So I suppose it can be confirmed that that device is a bomb of some sort, though there are no further details as to the explosive used, whether the device would be detonated by remote control, a timer, a sensor of vehicle speed or whatever, the explosive power of the device, the extent of damage, injuries or deaths it could cause.
If that device was intended to be detonated or auto-detonate when Siti's car was traveling at high speed along the highway and blow off the rear right wheel, it would have caused Siti's car to go out of control and crash, possibly injuring or killing her along with the drivers and passengers of other vehicles on the highway which Siti's car collides into.
The explosion of the device in that location would also have ruptured her car's fuel tank, causing a fire, and would the explosion be powerful enough to injure Siti in the driver's seat in the passengers' compartment.
On the other hand, was the device intended to be detonated when Siti's car was parked as some kind of warning to her?
Speculation, speculation and more speculation. Just because a news paper or other outlet reports and repeats the same allegation without any degree of specifity does not make it fact. Why would a lawyer want to travel fast along the highway? You don't need a bomb to detonate under your car to kill you when travelling fast.
Any unconventional crude 'bomb' or explosive device is an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). There is more smoke and wind here than fire. Any device capable of exploding can be called and is often referred to as a bomb. A water bomb is a baloon filled with water to a point the pressure is so great it explodes.
The greater the numbers of feigned outrage letters and articles expressed about this attempt on Sitti Kassim's life, the more the suspicion grows about this being an attention seeking stunt.
Those media reports that that device is a bomb are based upon what the police told the media, so I don't treat them as speculation.
That part about the bomb going off and blowing off the wheel when the car is travelling at speed - and I mean legal highway speed of not more than 110 kmph - is speculation on my part. Also are my other speculation about the bomb going off when the car is parked just as a warning to Siti.
At the end of the day, it remains a mystery as to who placed the device, when it was placed, where the car was parked when it was placed, why it was placed and so forth.
Quite clearly Charles you are making your story up as you go along.
Why for instance did those media outlets not name the relevant officer they spoke to (if they actually did speak to one) to find out what exactly was said and report what exactly the police officer had said to them? Now that would be factual instead of Siti's fanciful flatulence. Would you not think so?
Siti Kassim lacks the decorum of a lawyer or anyone with a sense of decency, dignity or sensibility. She and her outbursts playing to a gullible and sensationalist media scrum, anyone with a sense of self respect ought not to give any credence or pay attention to given the woman's history. She is crude, loud, bigoted and attention seeking.
Your second paragraph is pathetic. If you meant what you say in that paragraph why did you not say so at the beginning? On its own without that excuse, you in fact described someone who is reckless and without regard for her actions or the law. Now Thats Siti. And many would agree with you on that score.
You also admit in your second paragraph that you are speculating thus: "Also are my other speculation about the bomb going off when the car is parked just as a warning to Siti".
This event has all the hall marks of someone so self absorbed, self centred and narcissistic, seeking to enhance her prospects for an election win or simply raising her public profile like the boy that cried wolf.
Those coming out in rabid support of Siti are what the French refer to as 'claque'. Go look up the meaning of that word.
Lets wait till the full report comes out. Forensics in matters such as this is easy to carry out to find the culprits behind this gimmick. If they can't do it right on this one (the police that is) then they can be forgiven for all of their other failings. Keystone Cops. An unprofesional force. But Siti and her adoring fans will attest to the latter part of the statement about the police as they have done before.
Lets wait and see before demanding the prime minister and everyone in parliament rise to siti's defence or go hunting the wolf that never was.
A bomb? Discovered by a mechanic? More details of what actually happened, what that thing really is under the car, and what police plan to do about it are needed. AND, as the author says, officials need to speak out about this. Intimidation of this type should be denounced and stopped.
Bomb? I have a co
The madani government seems more worried about losing selangor and n9 to pn this coming election.
It appears that in selangor, all 9 amanah and 12 umno seats contested will be wiped out by pn. Given that pkr 20 seats are mostly malay and malay indian majority, it is expected that pn will take 15 of the state seats. A 36 seats win by pn means anwar loses selangor.
In n9, all 3 amanah, 17 umno and 4 out of 6 pkr contested seats will be wiped out by pn too. This especially after the visit by tun m to sikamat in seremban tonight. A 24 seats win by pn means anwar loses n9.
Politicians are about power. Power is evil. Anwar and his parliamentarian are more worried about Tun's visit to mb of n9 sikamat DUN.
Yes, ph candidates have lost confidence. They umno boys are embarrassed to have teamed up with dap and to face the malay voters.
1975 and siti kassim's death will not impact pn but it will affect youth and human rights voters for ph.
The battle rages on..💥
"The bomb threat was discovered on 21 July. To be fair, I waited till today (two days later) to see if the Madani cabinet had expressed outrage at the attempt on Siti’s life".
I think Ms. Mokhtar ought to get her definitions and description of this event right.
There was no threat issued against Siti Kassim. There is a photograph and the absence of any conclusive police report published yet to suggest or corroborate the claaims that this was a bomb or a threat against Siti Kasssim specifically.
It appears from the photo in the previous article about the Siti Kassim incident that what appears to be a couple of molotov cocktail type of incendiary devices were tied to the rear axle of Ms. Kassim's car. If that photograph was indeed a photograph of what purpoprts to be a"bomb" under her car hoow does that allow anyone to conclude that it waass a threat dioorecteed at her.
There are too many loose ends to this story to draw any conclusions from it sufficient for parliament to rise in condemnation of what? Who are they condemning? What are they condemning? what purpose does the act of a parliamentary condemnation seerve?
There have been far worse incidents against individuals and groups against ordinary citizens and members of parliament which no one has even broken wind about.
Siti Kassim is like the boy that cried wolf. She haas once too often and with little merit or subatance to her claims made far fetched and scurrilous allegations about a variety of people in the most undignified of ways.
Perhapss wwe ought to wait for a comeplte forensic report about the "bomb" and how the device, which looks rather benign from the photograph got there in the first place and if a threat (implied or direct) accompanied or preceded the discovery of the device.
Siti Kassim needs to be interrogated and assist the police by providing as much detail as is possible about the incident. How she came to know or discover the device. Street cameras around the area where her car was last parked, her own location by reference to her mobile phone. These are questions to which responses could provide vital clues as to who was behind the "threat" and "Bomb".
Perhaps it was a bomb indeed and Siti Kassim forgot to tell the police and the media the rest of the details like the nature of the threats, when and who made them to her and how. Phone, in writing or by messenger. Lets wait.
Seriously we dont really care about her! No sympathy at all. Dog barking at wrong tree
Perhaps it is all for show. Something to frighten her with. Too many questions and no answers
Murray is right! Their silence on the matter is certainly worrying.
According to the New Straits Times of 21 July 2023, that object affixed to the right rear wheel of Siti Kassim's car is an improvised explosive device. The Bomb Disposal Unit had also carried out and "explosion test" on the device, though that is not clear whether they detonated the device or used some other explosive on it:-
Objects under Siti Kasim's car are IED, say police
By Safeek Affendy Razali - July 21, 2023 @ 6:49pm
According to Sinar Daily of 23 July 2023, the police have called up witnesses for statements about the device.
Cops call witnesses over IED bomb found in Siti Kassim's car
23 Jul 2023 09:49am
So I suppose it can be confirmed that that device is a bomb of some sort, though there are no further details as to the explosive used, whether the device would be detonated by remote control, a timer, a sensor of vehicle speed or whatever, the explosive power of the device, the extent of damage, injuries or deaths it could cause.
If that device was intended to be detonated or auto-detonate when Siti's car was traveling at high speed along the highway and blow off the rear right wheel, it would have caused Siti's car to go out of control and crash, possibly injuring or killing her along with the drivers and passengers of other vehicles on the highway which Siti's car collides into.
The explosion of the device in that location would also have ruptured her car's fuel tank, causing a fire, and would the explosion be powerful enough to injure Siti in the driver's seat in the passengers' compartment.
On the other hand, was the device intended to be detonated when Siti's car was parked as some kind of warning to her?
Speculation, speculation and more speculation. Just because a news paper or other outlet reports and repeats the same allegation without any degree of specifity does not make it fact. Why would a lawyer want to travel fast along the highway? You don't need a bomb to detonate under your car to kill you when travelling fast.
Any unconventional crude 'bomb' or explosive device is an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). There is more smoke and wind here than fire. Any device capable of exploding can be called and is often referred to as a bomb. A water bomb is a baloon filled with water to a point the pressure is so great it explodes.
The greater the numbers of feigned outrage letters and articles expressed about this attempt on Sitti Kassim's life, the more the suspicion grows about this being an attention seeking stunt.
Sensationalist garbage.
Those media reports that that device is a bomb are based upon what the police told the media, so I don't treat them as speculation.
That part about the bomb going off and blowing off the wheel when the car is travelling at speed - and I mean legal highway speed of not more than 110 kmph - is speculation on my part. Also are my other speculation about the bomb going off when the car is parked just as a warning to Siti.
At the end of the day, it remains a mystery as to who placed the device, when it was placed, where the car was parked when it was placed, why it was placed and so forth.
Quite clearly Charles you are making your story up as you go along.
Why for instance did those media outlets not name the relevant officer they spoke to (if they actually did speak to one) to find out what exactly was said and report what exactly the police officer had said to them? Now that would be factual instead of Siti's fanciful flatulence. Would you not think so?
Siti Kassim lacks the decorum of a lawyer or anyone with a sense of decency, dignity or sensibility. She and her outbursts playing to a gullible and sensationalist media scrum, anyone with a sense of self respect ought not to give any credence or pay attention to given the woman's history. She is crude, loud, bigoted and attention seeking.
Your second paragraph is pathetic. If you meant what you say in that paragraph why did you not say so at the beginning? On its own without that excuse, you in fact described someone who is reckless and without regard for her actions or the law. Now Thats Siti. And many would agree with you on that score.
You also admit in your second paragraph that you are speculating thus: "Also are my other speculation about the bomb going off when the car is parked just as a warning to Siti".
This event has all the hall marks of someone so self absorbed, self centred and narcissistic, seeking to enhance her prospects for an election win or simply raising her public profile like the boy that cried wolf.
Those coming out in rabid support of Siti are what the French refer to as 'claque'. Go look up the meaning of that word.
Lets wait till the full report comes out. Forensics in matters such as this is easy to carry out to find the culprits behind this gimmick. If they can't do it right on this one (the police that is) then they can be forgiven for all of their other failings. Keystone Cops. An unprofesional force. But Siti and her adoring fans will attest to the latter part of the statement about the police as they have done before.
Lets wait and see before demanding the prime minister and everyone in parliament rise to siti's defence or go hunting the wolf that never was.