What good has Jakim inspired? Members of jakim are poorly educated even in Islamic knowledge. Just ask Syed Akbar Ali. Islam is taught to Malays from kindergarten onwards. Even in working life the religion is never far away. As a group Malays are even more in need of govt help than ever. Our SK have become Islamic schools. Non Malays have realised the predicament of this country long ago and have taken steps to make sure the Chinese community do not fall into the quick sand of mediocrity and indolence. While the UEM exam passing mark is 50%, the passing mark for the SPM is shrouded in secrecy. Some would claim that it is as low as 15%. So after 60 years, in spite of active discrimination, Chinese have survived and thrived, much to the chagrin of Malay leaders. While Jakim improve the standard of education for the Malays or will it push down the Malays further. Judging from past performance, it will be more of the same.

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I think you forgot e commerce.the malays are now producer and the chinese are consumer of wealth. This via online mall platform,payment via online and delivery via speed delivery.

The money now flows in reverse.from the chinese into the malay account.

Remember,the malays control all the glcs too.😀

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You must be asleep all this time

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Jakim is like what money is to Mahathir.

He makes his children billionaires and has sleepless night over what anti corruption agency and IRB will do to them. Anwar now thinks Jakim can work the impossible and create miracle.to solve the country accumulated social and economic crisis.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.

Simone Weil (3 February 1909 - 24 August 1943)

Anwar attachment to religious solutions for the crisis facing him by empowering Jakim is his inability to learn from failed states like Pakistan, Lebanon and Bangladesh .

He is running out of time and cannot instantly revolutionize the mind set already set by PAS long term indoctrination from rural and town religious schools.

His over dependance on Jakim to reverse the damage done for years by PAS will cost him irreversible permanent loss.

The ocean full of saline concentration cannot be diluted with a few drops of fresh rain water. This is an elementary science which Anwar fails to appreciate. By the time he realizes that he has made a blunder of unparallel magnitude it is too late for him to change course.

History will judge him for what he is.

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Theres good and theres evil. Jakim is about good.these are virtues such as moderation,fairness,of temperance and courage.

By including jakim in developing policy, there will be less evil.

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