There may be issues in the article to look at, some rather ancient, some a political lightweight and failed political operator like Anwar shouldn't be trusted to look into. Besides, Anwar has been banging on his bongo for an eternity about Mahathir's sins and crimes but he's never gone beyond blabbering as if he's ever got piles of dossiers with which nothing has ever been done with.

Maybe there's no dossier at all, Anwar as usual bluffing and bullsh*t ting. Anwar should as his last political wayang finally and once and for all take on Mahathir, and wipe out his sneer.

With the kind of pig-manure politicians we are blessed with who would do nothing and can't do anything, I expect Mahathir will kick the bucket laughing all the way to Hell, he's the Untouchable.

I've previously "crossed swords" with "the Great", I find him to be just another nutcase, people with unusual and excessive self-absorption and deep interest in "spirituality" invariably are. There's a correlation between that and mental illness. Entities that act like they know everything usually know nothing. But Malaysians are happy sucker when poseurs appear and can sell snake oil. Which explains why there are so many snake oil quack "medicinal" shops and salesmen all over Malaysia.

Which also explains why Malaysia has more than plenty of mouthy corrupt politicians, that's because Malaysia is perfect fertile ground for breeding the best politicians money can buy.

So, no, I ain't expecting anything further to happen with the issues raised in the article. Malaysians are pretty good at pointing out some of the many issues that bring the country down. But are totally useless at getting anything anywhere. It's all just yet more talk. The ding dong merrily of issues raised and nothing happening has gone on for decades, just read any article as the inconsequential all-talk and nothing happens we are all used to.

I've followed "the Great" a good while now. Denizens of Borneo pay no attention to him. It's as if "the Great" is just another brilliant general - with no army! Anyone sane would have found "the Great" more useful putting him to sleep as an act of mercy. Sorry, not impressed, thank you!

Now get back to sleep in case you're hit with another round of verbal brilliance all round.

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Under Najib's rule, the judiciary, courts and solicitors were having a great time playing pucks with justice and taking clients for a long ride. Najib must never be allowed back into the government. He will bring with him his brand of justice which is no justice at all.

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The hope for reform under the current PM has faded. As shown by his actions during the recent state elections Anwar is just another Malaysian politician desperately trying to hold on to power. The alternative to Anwar is frightening though; just the notion that Najib being released from jail would save the sinking unity government ship is enough to make sensible people despair.

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An incisive, articulate and analytical piece by the only political journalist in Malaysia. The facts and legal analysis of Datuk Seri Najib's predicament and his treatment before the courts is a heavy indictment on the entire legal profile and judicciary in Malaysia.

None of Malaysia's self proclaimed "prominent" and "expert" lawyers (whatever that means) including local academics, were able to identify the egregious failings on the part of the courts, their fellow professionals and government in the trial of DS Najib Razak former PM of Malaysia.

Waiting with bated breath for the next installment in this superb piece on the Najib disaster.

Thank God Sri Ram Gopal has been relieved by God of his embarrassment for his part in this scandal.

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"None of Malaysia's self proclaimed "prominent" and "expert" lawyers (whatever that means) including local academics, were able to identify the egregious failings on the part of the courts, their fellow professionals and government in the trial of DS Najib Razak former PM of Malaysia."

It would take a very capable and decent and upright person to claim that. One who's more able than that big bunch you listed. It would take at the very least someone who's one up over that big bunch to judge.

And Malaysia has just too many judges.

Malaysia hasn't such an entity who's one above our mediocre bunch. It's neither you nor" the Great", you've got to be "greater" to know them lesser beings flitting around in Dracula outfits. Thank Allah they don't also wear sheep on their heads!

Ever wonder there may be those who are "able to identify the egregious failings on the part of the courts, their fellow professionals and government blah.." but it's just not in their interest and not worth their while to fantasise a judiciary fairyland?

Anyone who knows about lawyers and law would know the two-faced mercenaries and the system they hold up are nothing but contentious adversarial set-ups to make money. Frankly, why would lawyers want to rock the boat by sh*t ting on the system - and themselves?

And why wouldn't they take sides if it is not in their interest and not to profit themselves?

It would be very interesting to look into Najib's case, how it ended up with the corrupt US DoJ, FBI, and multiple shifty players there. There's nothing which says the US is genuinely and solely interested in justice for poor Malaysia.

This far, Najib can only be described as the bastard who "got caught", very much further should be known about Najib's case. We are bound to have other "Najibs" (and Rosmahs) in Malaysia, why not? Why no gigantic interest in the other "Najibs"?

I would sure like to know about the vast amounts of money paid out to the various entities in the US (and elsewhere). And the roles and interests of those tossing the money around. In a proper court, a judge worth his belacan should want to every bit of that.

Malaysia's courts and lawyers are simply not qualified to come near any huge meaty juicy cases. Errr, except collect the fees for their dubious effort. I would include our other legal "experts", those self-qualified, unqualified, qualified by crap outfits, and unemployable tossers who pose as "legal" commentators. Of these, we have just too many from the plantations and every hole in the wall pontificating ceaselessly. That's why we have such amazing ignorance about legal matters.

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Mahathir wrecked the judicial system.

Did no one noticed? No one half-witted enough to take the old dictator to task?

Is Najib the only PM who's manipulated the judicial system, others are saints?

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