It's strange that in the name of politics, crimes have become acceptable. Political expediency seems to have rights to trample blatant crimes committed. A criminal is a criminal no matter who he is. Please don't conflate justice with politics! It's insulting when people try to paint Najib or ZH or for that matter any criminal as a victim of political shenanigans. The victims are us - the rakyat. The very people these criminals say they represent. A real shame.🫣

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Has the author lost his mind? This is not just a Malaysian issue, the world is watching. Think the 1MDB scandal can't get any worse? Dr. Ramasamy is suggesting the Agong engage in a "Hold my beer" moment, to demonstrate to the world how idiotic Malaysia can be.

At home this will be the same a throwing down the gauntlet of pubic decorum. Malaysians are reluctant to express public disapproval especially when it may run afoul of what the racial and religious warlords want. However, a Najib pardon will tip the balance. Restraint will disappear. Civil disobedience will skyrocket and the charade of social harmony will evaporate.

No. Pardoning Najib is a bad idea no matter how politically astute it may seem to those desperately clinging to power. You want to see courage? Ask the Agong to make it clear that Najib will stay in prison. That the imaginary house arrest decree is just that--imaginary.

The Malay royalty commands respect in Malaysia. It's time for the current Agong to think of the country first, since it is clear that politicians are only thinking of themselves.

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"Anwar was convicted and imprisoned for certain charges." Professor Dr Ramasamy.

The quality of expression from a PhD. Never mind we are not all perfect. Especially the former High court and Supreme Courts of Malaysia and their one time Attorney General Tommy Thomas, his lame duck and late side kick and equally incompetent and imperfect former judge Sri Ram Gopal.

Najib was convicted in breach of all the rules of natural justice, the laws under which he was tried (or more approprialy the absence of the rules and lawsunder which he was tried) on evidence no self respecting judge, court or prosecutor would have lent their names to.

But there are those who still believe the world is flat because the Vatican once said so. And those like Da Vinci who proved otherwise were persecuted, prosecuted and many killed on the orders of the church because they had the power to do so. It was during the time of the Spanish inquisition and perhaps before.

Najib should not be pardoned. His "conviction" should rightly be set aside because it was not a conviction any self respecting court or judicial officer could have come down with on poperly hearing and considering in an impartial way all the evidence before them (including that which they improperly excluded).

DS Njib's trial was e t a miscarriage of justice It was an abortion in fact, run by a bunch of regime changers gone mad.

The truth will eventually come out in the wash and that may take some time in a place like Malaysia where truth and fiction merge so well so closely that even their "educated classes" can't tell one from the other.

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What has suddenly addled Prof Rama's critical faculties? He daftly compares Najib's felony on the world's grandest scale, from the highest position of national trust, to Anwar's pardon from trumped-up charges -- which hurt no one to start with. There are no mitigating circumstances for Najib. He has not returned the stolen wealth to the nation. Neither is he sorry.

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I have always loved reading Prof Ramasamy’s writings, but this article is very disappointing, with him advocating for a full royal pardon for Najib. I can’t believe this came from Prof Ramasamy.

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