Hamas remains the only body that's ably and actively defended and protected the rights of Palestinians while since 1948 no other organisation has done much than watched and even allowed the Israelis to genocide the Palestinians.

As the invaded has the right to defend themselves, Hamas is entitled to take up any means to protect Palestinians, and, hence, Hamas is not a "terrorist" organisation as much as Israel, the US and the EU, and evangelical Christian fundamentalists want to label it.

The nons in Malaysia should take note that the ICJ criticised and warned against the genocidal language of the Israelis. We've had had the same kind of language used against the minorities by our apartheid gomen. Remember words like "bathe my keris in Chinese blood"? Remember the stabbing of kerises above the heads? Remember the threatening apartheid language?

We should pursue what South Africa did for the Palestinians and bring our fascists and racists to the ICJ and international attention.

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And this is why HAMAS has to be destroyed completely from the head down.

The objective espoused only supports all of the hate the people of Palestine have held in their hearts and which hate has been fed and encouraged. Indoctrinated in hate since 1948 generations have only been able to carve out decisions and actions that that hate would allow.

On 9 August 1965 another bunch of people were expelled from a larger entity to survive in the little swamp filled island they were residing in. The hope was when they were starving they will come back crawling willing to live under submission to the larger authority.

If only they too had been led by hate, their gate would not be very much different from the Palestinians today.

What you heard from Lee Kian Yew on that day was fear and regret. And you saw grit and resolve. There was no hate. Hate was not there to lead them in their decisions and policies. Singapore is today what Palestine could have been.

So what peace would Israel be interested in talking to this so called leader anyway?

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"and which hate has been fed and encouraged"

Norman Finklestein asked his Holocaust survival mother what she thought of Dresden and the Germans who were firebombed.

She said she'll hate the Germans till her death.

I would, given the genocidal and cruel treatment by the invaders of Palestine, feel the same.

I would call for the death of the invaders.

Son, your bunch of bollocks on Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore is not only not factual, it is embarrassingly ignorant. Try educate yourself a bit more before you come up with that gooey sickly sweet fairy tale stuff!

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And what has all that hate got them? All their deeds and conduct had stemmed from that hate, to satisfy that hate.

You can interpret anything you want, but it does not change those facts... Sure, Singapore had a better start. But they never got the kind of financial assistance the Palestinians got. Something is so wrong with the Palestinians. Even their fellow brother Arabs don't want them in their midst. What is it they seem to know that we don't?

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"but it does not change those facts"

You mean your "facts"?

"Even their fellow brother Arabs don't want them in their midst."

That's sheer nonsense. But obviously another of your "facts".

But then why should the Palestinians give a shiite what their "fellow brother Arabs" think or feel? You live your life according to what your neighbours think and feel? Why?

At the last count some two million Yeminis (qualify as "fellow brother Arabs") came out in support of Palestine.

A good number of Jews don't agree with Zionism and the Israeli gomen, where in your ideal world do you place these "anti-semites"?

What are your fellow Zionist bros saying inside your head about the Palestinians, eh? Genocide them? Starve them? Expel them?

Nothing is "so wrong with the Palestinians".

It's just you and your Nazi thoughts.

"What is it they seem to know that we don't?"

You obviously mean only you "don't".

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Live in your silo and there will be no change to the fate of the Palestinians for the next thousand years.

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Naturally your kind wish for the Palestinians... Unlike you, I don't think because you bullsh *t that Palestine's neighbours have "issues" with it, Palestinians should be genocided.

With a fascist mind like yours unable to accept Palestinian freedom to think different from your evil wish for their fate to be horrible because they do not think incredibly cruel and stupid like you, it's a great thing the world no longer think like a fascist like you, is, the opinion of the ICJ is sound, civilised, and most welcome by the majority of normal human beings. .

Try not to lie your way around to encourage and enable the genocide artists of Zionist Israel.

Btw, do you believe Satan when she tells you inside your head I live in a "silo"? And do you wish the same for the Palestinians, Herr Adolf?

And with a name like "Warren", do you have scores of rabbits living up your araeh*le?

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Cool it. Educate yourself. Be civil. You've not met Palestinians have you? I mean those who did not fall for the fear spread by their leaders and vacate their homes during the Nakba! They continued to live in their homes that was within territories controlled by Israel and carried an Israeli address. Three/four generations later they still live there as Israelis, but they still are Arabs, Muslim or Christian. It is Hamas that is killing their own and causing their own to be killed.

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