Hamas cannot be destroyed as simply as Israel and the Western media wishfully believe it can be. Onee must consider the dire state of the Israeli armed forces that it needs US military support to defend it.
It had US and French support against the weakened PLO in 1985 yet Hamas and Hezbollah then recently trained by Israel as a bulwark ag…
Hamas cannot be destroyed as simply as Israel and the Western media wishfully believe it can be. Onee must consider the dire state of the Israeli armed forces that it needs US military support to defend it.
It had US and French support against the weakened PLO in 1985 yet Hamas and Hezbollah then recently trained by Israel as a bulwark against the PLO inflicted the largest losses in US army casualties including fatalities on the US since the Vietnam war in Beirut. It took one suicide bomber to achieve that fete. Another did the damage in like terms on the French. Both forces turned tail and fled. Humiliated.
If Israel was such a formidable force then why does it shoot blindly. Why was it unable to pick up the intelligence on Hamas' Yom Kippur attack? Why was it unprepared? Why are there millions taking to the streets of Europe, the US and Australia in defence of Palestinian rights? Israel has lost its edge. Germany silently has put on hold its order of Israeli built much boasted and over rated Iron Dome missiles.
Why are Israeli intellectuals and political commentators admonishing the government of Israel for this war? Israel and its inteelligence agenciees haavee lost the edge. Much of itt due to infiltration by its enemies, demoralized Israelis and the lack of will to support settlers and Nethanyahu.
The Mossad's list of failures is now legend.
This is the longest war the Israelis have had in their history. It will not get its revenge. A war is fought on many fronts. The world learned that from the Vietcong against the US. Israel's legitmacy and its methods are being questioned but censored from many fronts. They are conveniently referred to as "hate speech". Bloomberg, the BBC, AFP, Reuters and the Murdoch Media. All of them supporters of Israel and Zionism engage in such censorship.
Anwars sentiments and his position in this regard is not misplaced. It is in tune and in lockstep with the rest of the world, many of who support Israel's "legitimate right to defend itself" (no one is saying they don't have that right), but will not go directly to their aid.
Israel is finished if a compromised is not reached according to Ehud Barak Israel's former decorated commando and Prime Minister told Time recently.
Barak said that 80% of Israelis blame Nethanyahu and the rabid settlers for the war for Nethanyahu's siding with the rabid settler community. Another 70% believe he should go now and charged with war crimes.
The pro Israeli media a by product of AIPAC and the internationalist Zionist movement fund such barbarity from the safety of their European American homes. They are not Sabra but Jews by name alone. Israelis are largely in contempt of this group.
The US is walking into a trap of dire consequences for them. But it is an election year and anyone who does not support direct supportt of the Israaeeli narrative has little chance of winning the presidency. Better a senile dummy in the white House than one who can think independently. And as the Chinese say "May we live in interesting times".
Hamas cannot be destroyed as simply as Israel and the Western media wishfully believe it can be. Onee must consider the dire state of the Israeli armed forces that it needs US military support to defend it.
It had US and French support against the weakened PLO in 1985 yet Hamas and Hezbollah then recently trained by Israel as a bulwark against the PLO inflicted the largest losses in US army casualties including fatalities on the US since the Vietnam war in Beirut. It took one suicide bomber to achieve that fete. Another did the damage in like terms on the French. Both forces turned tail and fled. Humiliated.
If Israel was such a formidable force then why does it shoot blindly. Why was it unable to pick up the intelligence on Hamas' Yom Kippur attack? Why was it unprepared? Why are there millions taking to the streets of Europe, the US and Australia in defence of Palestinian rights? Israel has lost its edge. Germany silently has put on hold its order of Israeli built much boasted and over rated Iron Dome missiles.
Why are Israeli intellectuals and political commentators admonishing the government of Israel for this war? Israel and its inteelligence agenciees haavee lost the edge. Much of itt due to infiltration by its enemies, demoralized Israelis and the lack of will to support settlers and Nethanyahu.
The Mossad's list of failures is now legend.
This is the longest war the Israelis have had in their history. It will not get its revenge. A war is fought on many fronts. The world learned that from the Vietcong against the US. Israel's legitmacy and its methods are being questioned but censored from many fronts. They are conveniently referred to as "hate speech". Bloomberg, the BBC, AFP, Reuters and the Murdoch Media. All of them supporters of Israel and Zionism engage in such censorship.
Anwars sentiments and his position in this regard is not misplaced. It is in tune and in lockstep with the rest of the world, many of who support Israel's "legitimate right to defend itself" (no one is saying they don't have that right), but will not go directly to their aid.
Israel is finished if a compromised is not reached according to Ehud Barak Israel's former decorated commando and Prime Minister told Time recently.
Barak said that 80% of Israelis blame Nethanyahu and the rabid settlers for the war for Nethanyahu's siding with the rabid settler community. Another 70% believe he should go now and charged with war crimes.
The pro Israeli media a by product of AIPAC and the internationalist Zionist movement fund such barbarity from the safety of their European American homes. They are not Sabra but Jews by name alone. Israelis are largely in contempt of this group.
The US is walking into a trap of dire consequences for them. But it is an election year and anyone who does not support direct supportt of the Israaeeli narrative has little chance of winning the presidency. Better a senile dummy in the white House than one who can think independently. And as the Chinese say "May we live in interesting times".