Politics is the art of doing deals. The Regime Changers, Bersih and others have done deals with the devil, illegal and criminal in every aspect but they don't get criticized for it.

Just because a group of loud mouths feted and funded by foreigners failed to read the writing on the wall in their blind rage fuelled by their own ignorance does not mean that what Anwar is doing by aligning his interests with those of PAS is wrong, immoral or unconstitutional.

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"does not mean that what Anwar is doing by aligning his interests with those of PAS is wrong, immoral or unconstitutional"

All depends on what those ideas totally alien to Ketuananwar and the equally corrupt fake holy men in PAS mean.

And likewise, a plantation niggah with thick chameleon hide like you, one day you gratefully scuk the little dark brown twigs of Mamakthir, Ah Jib, the same evening you go to bed with Ketuananwar's under your snout.

Make up your tiny midget mind, Chicken Korma, surely even a half-baked pseudo-intellectual like you can soothe your twitchy schizo subcontinental wallah's wahlau anxiety by sticking to just one every few days, can you not, you moronic Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde?

Trust you to switch your tasty lolly to Ketuananwar's, you've picked another loser on the way out!

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PMX is an agent for the Muslim Brotherhood. All the Reformsi thing is for getting elected. Then the real show starts. Everyone, esp NM must be prepared to depose him at the next elections.

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Speak for the trecherous Chinamen. Not for the rest of the NM's as you refer to us as.

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I don't believe "the rest of the NM's" have ever elected you to be their prophet. Any delusion of that is purely your mental illness.

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The Chinese are an avaracious, greedy ungrateful lot. Anwar was backed to the hilt for over 2 decades by Chinese led opposition in Malaysia. Now that the man has seen the other side from the top of the mountain he has climbed and taken a different path to the one painted for him by the Chinese, Indians and Americans, he is suddenly a bad guy and anti Chinese. He repents and makes good now so that h can do for the Malays what Mahathir, Najib and others could not do for them. Migrate by all means. However the mood in the US, UK and Australia for tolerating the Chinaman is not very good. not at all. Why not simply build bridges where you are instead of cheating, robbing and corrupting the Malays in order to enrich yourslves?

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"the mood in the US, UK and Australia for tolerating the Chinaman is not very good. not at all"

And it is the voice in your tiny skull that tells you that, no doubt!

Not the fact that well over a million generating Bolehland's brain drain have been warmly welcomed in those countries, plus Canada, plus New Zealand, and more..!

That leaves behind seriously frustrated whining plantation niggah trans bitches like you with nowhere to go. And no one to admire you! What a sorry ass!

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Anwar has had ABIM blood in his system all along. We can clearly see the true Anwar - a man who was NEVER a reformist.

For the nons, if they can, they should emigrate. Things can only get worse for them. PAS is already smelling success in their efforts to dominate Malaysian politics. Once they are part of a government (it will invariably be a Malay one) the nons, especially the Chinese will realise that they are not second class citizens but third or even fourth class citizens.

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Our health system is already heavily stressed. How will Malaysians feel when Arabs come here and get treatment immediately when Malaysians have to queue for weeks or months.

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The same as what the poorer Australians and New Zealanders, Brits and others in Europe feel when wealthy Chinamen from South East Asia go to these places to fill hospital beds they do not deserve.

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"fill hospital beds they do not deserve"

You have never experienced wealth greater than borrowing the stolen bicycle to do your midnight highway Mat Armpit acrobatics on, "wealthy Chinamen" all use expensive private hospitals abroad, starting from Singapore on to the US, Canada, UK, etc.

The problem with deprived retard plantation niggahs like you is you simply have no imagination! These days even China has plenty of ultra-modern state of art facilities for their expensive private medicine.

And public health means you have to wait ten years to be placed on the queue for a brain scan for your empty Sambo skull!

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