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For a long time Western Intelligence services have suspected Iran of having acquired a limited number of nuclear warheads from North Korea, the hermit nation whose nuclear ambitions they funded.

Iran knowing full well that the US and Israel with their European supporters had been keeping a very close eye on their nuclear program decided to take an alternative path to their nuclear ambitions by funding North Korea's nuclear program with the surplus petro dollars from its vast oil economy.

Of course propaganda from anti Iranian forces (thWt)were fast and furious and focused on how Iran (like North Korea) was steeped in poverty and internal unrest. It is the kind of stories the West often creates to keep foreign investors away fom anyone who displeases them, like Iran.

Regardless of whether that suspicion of Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons from North Korea is still maintained by the West, these days one need not necessarily have to trigger a physical detonation of a nuclear device for its efficacy and impact to be proved. A simulated explosion produces as accurate a result as a physical detonation will (except for the contaimination and fall out).

That being said, its time for the world's powers to come together to ensure that a nuclear exchange does not eventuate between Iran and Israel. Because if Iran engages in a pre emptive first strike against Israel, there will be no Israel left to speak of if the device is big enough.

Israel's size is such that the impact of a thermonuclear device explodeing within the Jewish state will not only incinerate anything and everything within a large raduius of the small country. It will also destroy any and all of the infrastructure of the command, control and communication systems and networks required for a retaliatory strike by Israel.

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