Anwar Ibrahim should be very vocal about Assange's freedom.

It should get Anwar on the right side of history, and turn him into an international figure immediately.

A good piece of effort on Assange would help with Anwar's legacy. Considering he has got nowhere in politics for an eternity.

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All Anwar has to do is offer Anthony Blinken, Sipanggar Bay as US Marine base.

And for that and some money(perhaps usd 1b to anwar and 1b to sabah) per year, Assange is a free man and get a presidential pardon.

Anwar can form a Julianne Assange School of Jounalism in Permatang Pauh.

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If you ever watched the defining documentary about Assange by former SBS reporter/ presenter Mark Davis you'll know what many knew before that documentary about Julian Assange.

Julian Assange built a cult around himself and embellished his stories about his hacking conquests and exploits by borrowing the terminology and making copious reference to the technical terms used by real hackers in his many interviews, online and during various conferences and seminars.

He could not hack pussy even if it were handed to him on a silver platter. He managed to worm himself into the fringe in the UK and Europe who hacked into websites and learnt from them some of the techniques they used. No hacker in their right mind whatever their cause wanted to identify themselves publicly with the commission of serious crimes like hacking. But Assange did. So he became the voice of other hackers. A cause celebre sans tthe cause..

He chanced upon that poor confused military sergeant of the US army Bradley Manning and recruited that poor fellow into his circle publishing Mannings leaks making himself (Assange) famous at Manning's expense.

The US may be bad but they are not stupid. In order to get to the sources of the leaks, the CIA allowed Assange access to the media and fed his vanity to his hollow fame till the trail led to Manning who was the leak they wanted to plug. There was no real hack there. Assange is no Snowden.

He is a complete idiot like all Aussies like Geoffrey Robertson and Richard Nevillee who brown nosed themselves into fame in the UK and became demi gods at home. They were a novelty in the UK at the time. All of them made claim to some sort of seminal event in the UK in the sixties and seventies which they attributed to themselves and their intellectual efforts. Very few that could be quantified.

Assange was always a braggart of no real value. By capturing him using a honey pot trap in Sweden the US was able to milk him for information whiilst he was in jail. A cult built up around him and the rest as they say is history.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

So is Assange charged with running a cult, being a "braggart" has "no real value". But nevertheless "By capturing him using a honey pot trap in Sweden the US was able to milk him for information whiilst he was in jail".

The "former SBS reporter/ presenter Mark Davis" seems to have done a bitch about your "complete idiot" who "could not hack pussy even if it were handed to him on a silver plate". Etc etc. I thought a UN human rights guy has the view Assange's imprisonment is "torture".

So why torture Assange and continue to keep him in jail?

Even more interesting, why attempt to assassinate him?

And why waste time to even recover his kid's diapers using *hush hush* the CIA and foreign contractors?

If it is all so comical and childishly entertaining, I'll like to buy all the front seats for Assange's cult's meetings on all Friday afternoons, saves me from falling asleep during holy sermons.

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Assangee embarrassed the US government. He was silly enough to beecome a conduit for the hackeed data. That of itself constitutes a federal offence of the most grevious nature considering it was done during the course of a war.

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The "conduit", if you mean Wikileaks, did excellent and valuable work exposing the crimes of the US government.

Nothing wrong with Wikileaks telling the world that.

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