These WEF affiliated politicians have been compromised. They're essentially treasonous foreign spies and their loyalty is towards these foreign entities and not our constitution and people. Looks more than likely, by the end of the year we may have lockdowns and return of mask and vaccine mandates. Be prepared to activate MySJ again for your freedom, unless you fight back, REFUSE TO COMPLY. I WILL NOT COMPLY!

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There are wolves in sheep skin that walk amongst us. Their ultimate agenda is to have total control over humans. We have dumb politicians who have been brainwashed . They support the WEF agenda. People better wake up before it's too late. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING BUT YOU WILL BE HAPPY ! The Deep State.

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WEF is an American outfit. In the last meeting all the heads of the FBI , CIA and NSA were present. Soros was given time and space. This is the overt cabal part of the covert Bilderberg conference. It is a cabal to dominate world economics. The new president of Singapore is on the executive board of the WEF. It is not elected by anybody but it’s members appear to follow its directions faithfully, more like vassals. What policies proposed to be enacted by them are not beneficial to anyone. Politicians and Big Money are behind these policies. Independent countries like Malaysia must resist the scams proposed by the WEF.

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Malaysian politicians are essentially intellectual dumbfcuks devoid of their own very basic intelligence.

That's why they need to rub shoulders with those whom they see as their esteemed elders and the only ones capable of guiding them and country to Hell.

As usual, the colonial Sambo plantation monkeys see it fit to be led by the snout by their white massahs. As a consequence,

our sellouts deliver our country to their foreign massahs.

Imagine what it would be like if our dumbfcuk politicians have nowhere to go to to learn how to run our country according to someone else's gospel!

So much for Malaysian genius!

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