The best options are 1. Remain in Australia. In Malaysia he will end up like Jalil 50 yrs ago. 2. Write a detailed account of the events and people involved in the murder. Give it to a human rights lawyer for safe keeping to be revealed in the event of unnatural death 3. Start writing his memoirs.

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So, I guess we're to understand that extra-judicial killings are OK in Malaysia? Governance in Malaysia is pathetic. From idiot, two-faced politicians, to a judicial system that is little more than a roll-of-the-die, to religious numbskulls who see everything as a challenge to Islam, things are not good in Malaysia and they're only getting worse.

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Is that abominable snowman on right of picture not wan Baginda chappy, submarine expert, Mongolian interpreter or something like that... who hopped along to Oxford... or was it Cambridge... never heard of again..?

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Written by some wan without a conscience on another without a conscience...

"Following orders" is a feeble non-excuse, why not just say Allah told me to do it?

Still, Oz is a nice country to live it up, run a silat/"self-defence" school, the credentials are there and there are a lot of shooting fantasists around. Or sell satay/Malaysian "cuisine", our taxpayer-funded student dropouts invariably do that.

Don't teach any jihadist how to get to Jan ah handling C4.

Don't bother take up contracts, the Ukrainians will undercut you.

Don't identify yourself as "Malaysian" - too obvious!

Or "Mongolian" - more intelligent, and too exotic!

And don't poop on any woman's porch, you'll get on the news again!

Lay low for a few years or Altantuyaa will get you! You'll find yourself back in Malaysia again for the wrong reasons as you morons usually end up doing, you're a policeman after all, not terribly bright... worse still, you were made in Malaysia!

Never mind if you're too afraid to name those mysterious "datuks", I just want to know how many ringgits was yer "thirty shekels".

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The whole country wans to know who gave him the orders to kill. That is the least he can do for his country. I suspect he will not live long after this. He is a liability. You will not know what he will do next. Probably write his memoirs which will reveal everything

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If he doesn't spill the kacang he should be nicely compensated by those mysterious, maybe non-existent "datuks" and live comfortably.

Though not as comfortably as Fat Jho.

Then again, don't forget the wrath of Genghiz Khan and end up thinly-cut, skewered, and in a hotpot!

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Apologist for a hit-man killer cop. How disgusting!

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