Except for only two things, Malaysia does not need to be "re-invented".

Firstly, the monkeys need to go back to the factories to be re-designed and fitted with actual quality working brains. Failing that, the sane can only wait for robots to replace the fcuking cave-dwelling, tree-swinging excessively moronic smug and ignorant monkeys.

Thankfully, China will most likely fulfill the role and supply replacement populations that work, or at least walk the talk. Our middlemen should not procure the robots from Yankistan, you don't want our replacements to walk, wander around, talk or freeze or break down like fcuking Genocide Joe.

Secondly, and more importantly, Malaysia will only work when and where there is no Malaysia. The "East" and "West Pakistan", or rather, Gaza (Sarawak), West Bank (Sabah) and freaking fascist Israel (that sh*th*le g*d-given patch of promised soil stolen from the Orange Aslis) just don't and can't work together.

"Malaysia" is the typical unworkable colonial project of the shrinking Brit empire that was once held together by sheer brute force, bless them unwashed limeys some of our slave monkeys still want to religiously scuk the sh*th*les of.

The minds of the damn natives of both sides of the colonial invention "Malaysia" are farther apart than the long distance between the two patches of land. For a start, the "Malays" of the two sides are totally different in intelligence, temperament, and very likely even race.

For instance, the "Malays" of Sarawak and Sabah are still learning to be noisy and aggressive like their supposed "elder bros and cousins" of the Malayan "Malay" primal pack.

Take note the "Malay" race is itself an invention of the "white" uncles of some Asians, you can't really crawl in and out of caves and swing from trees merrily, and leave call cards identifying yourself as "Malay" Proton sales executive. There is no such "race".

Even so, our "Malays" are still busy inventing themselves, the "language" is still a rojak of everybody elses' gutteral, gibberish, patois, pidgin, chopsuey, strange tongues, and chicken liver pate.

Those monkeys, barring Dear Mullah Anwar and his sermons on Malaysia leading the world in "ethical global governance", have far to go, oceans to cross, get their own act right, have trances in deep reflections about themselves first before crossing the giant divide of the foreign-controlled South China Sea (or north North Kalimantan Sea), to preach and humour the damn natives.

The moron monkeys of "West Pakistan" always mistake the good nature and welcoming spirit of those in Gaza and the West Bank as humiliating submission and a subjugating conquest. Yes, all when a few Pinoy pirates could hold up our whole Bolehland army!

So, the takeaway here is not a few pieces of free fried chicken, it is a lay off Sarawak and Sabah, and a resounding fcuk off from Borneo.

Remember the new Indon capital is right next door, so, actually, is China - and its (our?) waters, there's more to look forward to those than the Caveman's Kingdom of Malaya. Malaya can always have a good shag with Singapore.

So, consider when you make your grand plans, there's no working "Malaysia", "Malaysia" is done fer, kaput! Just think about, make grand talks just for Malaya, etc. thinking just about Malaya would be more than enough for the monkeys there to further damage their tiny heads, thank you!

Now quit thinking about "Malaysia", it's "future", "governance" and all those brown stuff, hop along, buy yourself a nice robot to bugger, and fcuk off!

Btw, them Chinese robots would be more superior race to quite a handful of you, so set your robots to "low" or "no" intelligence. And "lowest" power if you don't want the Chinese robot to shag you stupid and upside down - and then break down with you stuck.

And get your Chinese friends to translate only the Chinese in those manuals with impossible English. Or the robots will fcuk you more than stupid and upside down...

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A Malay centric government does not have the wherewithal of good governance. It is submerged in race and religion and cannot see anything other than these 2 issues. Good governance transcends these 2 issues and is not possible as long as you have a Malay centric government. For eg. PMX is decrying the lack of sharia compliant AI!! Is there a sharia compliant AI? But he talks as if there is and wants people to do it. All he talks about is Islam and more Islam. Now he is bringing in a radical muslim preacher from UK who is well known for his bellicose sermons. This is the opposite of good governance.

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The quest for a good government is possible only when those in power of position and authority are honest and sincere enough to know in their hearts of heart, that theirs is occupying an office of a trusteeship and not ownership. The failure to realize this distinct difference leads to abuse of position and consider themselves as the lords of the nation to act and do as they please.

This pathetic nation shall continue to be in such a deplorable realm if the leaders continue to be intoxicated with the perceived and misguided vested power by the virtue of the office they occupied. Their chief concern is how to maximize the best deals for themselves. They are only obsessed with short term selfish goals for themselves in office as a politicians while oblivious to the suffering of the entire nation.

They are blinded by short term privilege they can lay their hands on before the next general election. Totally crippled by their own short sightedness and dare not make sacrifice for the long term well being of the entire nation. They can’t think ahead for the future beyond 5 years.

To be a leader of wisdom and sound character, the ability to learn from history and keep up with the everchanging landscape of world politics, economy, sociology, business and technology to adjust and adopt according to sound reasons and reality cannot be overemphasized .

There is no certainty in life except constant changes, there is no permanency in any front, except changes. To keep up with these ever changing landscape and new challenges the only survival skill that can see us through in the sea of changes are succinctly encapsulated by these two quotations:-

First ,“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

― Alvin Toffler (4 Oct 1928- 27 June 2016)

To learn and adjust for the ever changing world is the mark of a real leader.

For many who occupied the seats and offices of position, authority and power are often carried away by ambition, personal importance,self glorification instead of striving to serve the nation unselfishly. The failure to learn is the culprit to progress. The emotion reigns over their entirely personality. This is often the root cause of failure in the leadership position.

Second ,He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Sir William Drummond (26 Sept 1769-29 March 1828)

Many politicians by the time they occupied the seat in any political party have over the years accumulated many prejudices, dogmas and jaded perceptions from culture, religion and philosophy and are rarely objective and often bias in the landscape of their inner world.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.

Simone Weil (3 February 1909 - 24 August 1943)

Those who are truly great statesmen and admired as leaders who leave behind honorable legacy for the future generation are visionaries.

China have had a rich store of wisemen and visionaries as preserved by history for our learning today.

Plan for what is difficult, while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Sun Tzu

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao Tzu

An unborn child is a fresh white paper for parents to inscribed anything of value and usefulness for the future of the child after delivery. A child in the womb has zero resistance to learning of any kind. It has no preference nor inclination of any kind, it knows not limitation nor appreciate any boundary or obstacle to learning. It is open, hungry and passionate to connect, to hear and listen to any mental stimulant such as words, numbers, alphabets, musical notes, voices and vocabulary. It is always ready to learn. It is easiest to impart and teach anything to the child in the womb.

This is the profound wisdom of doing the difficult things while they are easy. Do the great thing while they are small. An unborn child in the classroom of the womb is a student waiting to be taught. A child in the womb who is exposed to words by reading of book and literature is destiny with a great appetite for reading and books.

Elon Musk has such a glorious foundation in an acquired passion for books. In his own words, “ I was raised by books. Books, and then my parent

He reportedly read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica at age nine and would pore over science fiction novels, comics and nonfiction books for up to 10 hours a day. Some of the most influential books he read included “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” series.

"A love of reading is an acquired taste, not an instinctive preference. The habit of reading is formed in childhood; and a child's taste in reading is formed in the right direction or in the wrong one while he is under the influence of his parents; and they are directly responsible for the shaping and cultivating of that taste." ~ Henry Clay Trumbull (June 8, 1830 - December 8, 1903)

China in the last 40 years has arisen to be a super productive nation and the key to this great almost miraculous achievement is education. In brief, the Chinese regardless of age and gender were taught science, Mathematics and reading .

In Malaysia if the same dedication and commitment were inculcated and imposed to young parents who wish to nurture the like of Elon Musk, by the government machinery-ministry of education, rural and women ministry, human resource ministry using the nation mass media and the ministry of information, science and technology to educate the nation’s parents to practice prenatal education as a life style starting tomorrow, not many years down the road, we shall be able to produce super achievers as common as white sliced bread. China has done it, the whole of the Nobel prize winners have achieved it, why not Malaysian parents?

Our existing education given to Malaysian students urgently and desperately needs an instant overhauled. The first step is prenatal education for the unborn. If Elon Musk is the result of early exposure to learning, for his extraordinary success in productivity, later in life-we can do the same with every unborn child for a start.

The emphasis for science, mathematics, engineering and technology in education can easily be attained by prenatal education. The importance of STEM education can easily be seen in this recorded data from MIT.

For example Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) has recorded in its alumni of 20,300 companies which employed 4.6 million people and generate a revenue of US $ 1.9 trillion.annually.

One of the stars of alumni of MIT is a Penang free school boy Tan Hock Eng who recently attained the status of being the highest paid CEO in USA with a pay package of US $162million. Using the same early education in prenatal psychology education , Malaysia can similarly produce many Elon Musk or Tan Hock Eng.

The politicians who think of the next election and not the next generation will delay and avoid the significance of prenatal education and cripple the progress of nation building by the blindness to appreciate and value prenatal education.

Now is the prime minister opportunity to produce nation of spectacular success by the way of prenatal education, but will he be wise enough to seize the formula to leave a legacy worthy of being recorded as his greatest achievement in the future?

All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as self-evident

.Arthur Schopenhauer( 22 Feb 1788-21 Set 1860)

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Interesting. This reply is an article by itself!

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You are one of the 7000 readers of this column and take the time to comment! The other half of the article is who is practising prenatal education? How to start and where to begin?

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"one of the 7000 readers of this column and take the time to comment"

Have you ever taken to just wondering there may be those who elect not deal with your usual bunch of weird rubbish and hence do not desire to waste their time to make any comment?

In other words, some may not see you as sitting or squatting next to Allamighty and Jesus H Christ, pontificating from the rear exit of your mummy's "pre-natal" tuyishen academy.

Thank G*d, Jesus H Christ, Tuah Peh Kong, Santa Claus, Pete Drucker, Toffler, Harry Potter, .. and all the living, dying, and dead saints there's me to hail and worship you, Alhamdullilah!

Any time, Mate, lemme be one outside of "the 7000 readers" who forgot or can't be bothered about honouring you, Beam me Up, Nanu Nanu, Wingardium Leviosa, Fly Me to the Moon...!

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Are you part of some kind of cult?

Or are you a scammer?

The content of your usual drivel and your repetitive drive to push them without any capacity to actually deal with your own myriad of supposed subjects, point to cult membership.

Or at least membership of a mental disorder or two.

All the same, I would be interested in any response to your "... who is practising prenatal education? How to start and where to begin?"

I used to be on the sideline (spectator) for checking the methodology for dissertations on "new religions", sects, and cults. These areas aren't exactly my cuppa but the minds of those who live along the road to Jannah and other paradises can be my teh tarik, Alhamdullilah!

Last I had a go at you, you unleashed the wrath of (some) God and Jesus H Christ on me. I've since been trying to work out if you squat on the right or left side of your deities and have the power of striking with thunder or striking the lottery, Amen.

The process of learning is a long one, I have been wondering whether you run a "lifelong learning" tuyishen outfit in some womb. Or you are yourself still stuck in the kindergarten of one prenatal month two?

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