It's cronyism alright, there's nothing to stop those shifty wonders from steering clear of any possibility those rather suspicious deals could be seen for what they are - suspicious.

There's a Chinese saying when in an apple orchard, don't adjust your hat; when on a melon patch, don't tie your shoelace. I would advise not to even go near the apple orchard or the melon patch. Lest you accidentally get awarded a contract...

My, my, the DAP has become exactly like the MCA. And all the other parties are into all sorts of "accidental" deals as well.

Well, I suppose if funny accidents resulting in lovely monetary gain are ok with UMNO, they sure are with the ex-critics of UMNO, too.

Frankly, the parties involved in the recent controversial contract should be thoroughly investigated and that half-awake dodgy "Christian" MP should even resign as she is conveniently unaware of the integrity of her office and the need to be personally honest and with common decency.

We need to have a proper grasp of what a self-proclaimed "G*d-fearing Christian" is too. One day our chameleon waddle around with a halo on her head, the next day she dresses "Muslim" to patronise the Muslims in a mosque. Do we really need any display of outer appearance? When Christianity is a matter of a true heart.

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Mullah Anwar can recycle his monumental "keynote address" at the weirdly named "Islam-Confucianism Leadership Dialogue", "Malaysia can be at forefront in shaping new global ethical governance" and force his unethical gomen leaders to listen to his speech meant for the whole world.

Whether the Mullah himself understands "ethical" and "governance" comes under "Mystery" and "Fiction" in any good library and our national archive.

In case you haven't bothered about anything Mullah Anwar says, here's at least the news of the wisdom on the stone tablets he brought down from Mount Kinabalu.

I wonder why, in the name of MacDani, he's left out the wisdom of the Indian Elephant God, Monkey God, Moo God, Snake God (not Mamakthir), Maharishi Yogi, Sai Baba, Harry Krishna... Maybe it's because he's a bit funny with the Kelings - at least the ones he's not converted to Islam-Confucianism


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