"Originally published in the Eurasia Review 3rd January 2024"........complete with sentences like "be rest assured" and "The likely outcome if any general election was called, would be a reply of the 2022 election"?

Whoa. Remind me not to subscribe to Eurasia Review.

Asia Sentinel has improved dramatically since de-Murraying themselves, though.

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"In addition, UMNO would most likely be desecrated".

That's "decimated", you brainless fuckwit.

It's slightly ironic (but quite funny) that your "blog", written in broken English, has cybertroopers (also RPK-funded?) who only speak.......broken English.

Can you please stop calling yourself an "academic", Mr Cunter (sic)?


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"cybertroopers (also RPK-funded?)..."

Also RPK-funded?

Any proof whoever these "cybertroopers" may be?

Or it's merely your bomoh's coconuts thinking so?

Oh, RPK may be Welsh and another chickenshit "supremacist" but his Welsh English is very much better than your Hindian "English".

His stuff is just as wild as yours (that is, without evidence) but more interesting. But he is just as immature and intolerant as you and that Kerala "snake-tongue man" ex-PM when things don't go his way.

RPK shut me out from his site when I went against some of the things he said. You, unfortunately, cannot do anything against anybody who writes here. Quite simply, this site is not yours as much as you wish to control it.

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You'll get "instability" regardless with an ineffectual Mullah Anwar plus a slime-infested bunch of low standard and treacherous political pond life.

Our Mullah hasn't been running the country than frantically running around getting his sinking sampan of a failed gomen circus of impossible monkeys to continue his show.

Only a matter of time when he's the only clown left.

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"Our Mullah hasn't been running the country than frantically running around".

What uneducated drivel is this??? Did you even go to school? A 10-year-old wouldn't make basic mistakes like that, although Murray Hunter would (and does, LOL.)

So you can't speak Chinese, Malay, or English, I take it? So that makes you culturally stateless, doesn't it? Maybe post in Swahili, but at least get the grammar right first : )

Incompetent moron.

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Sambo Two-sen Dollar, you know Swahili?

Is it the "Out of Africa" theory or your grandma was a South African Cape Coloured Malay-mix?

You came from the bog in Zoo loo land? Geddit, no?

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Bloody amazing!

I've got more puns than you can Shaka a knobkerrie at!

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Watch as a flock of 25 malay mps jump to pn parties and force 25 by-elections in two weeks time. The 56 malay ph mps in semenanjung maybe reduced to 31 in ph bn coalition as they all become pn mps making pn has 99 malay mps in february.

Gps and grs will decide which coalition will be more stable. Ph or bn? To be or not to be..that is the question🕶

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"This action was taken under the MACC Act 2009, which brings into question the legality of the seizure, as the transactions were retrospective to the piece of legislation being used."

This is what happens when an ancient Caucasian prostitute in Manchester recruits an ancient Caucasian prostitute in Thailand: you can't overcome dementia, sadly.

Read this section of the AMLA Act (as in, "Tun Daim Being Investigated Under AMLA Based On Pandora Papers Report: MACC", and tell us what it means:

"Application: 2. (1) This Act shall apply to any serious offence, foreign serious offence or unlawful activity whether committed before or after the commencement date."


"....before or after the commencement date."

Did you claim to be an "academic", Mr Cunter?

How amusing.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

I know you're a two-cent wonder, Mr Dollar, but you're hardly understandable with your attempt to be inscrutable, might you want to provide a translation in English, even Mancunian, your effort would be greatly appreciated.

All - and that's not much, most here can make of what may be monumental corruption is the two sen Anwar attempting to run after a Dime. Nothing wrong with that, not all of the rest of a decent Malaysia believe or accept the great joke that a corrupt Muslim is still better than a squeaky clean anybody else. And not everyone who dresses like an Arab or acts like a Muslim is necessarily a decent honest Muslim.

Still we should all want to get at the truth, not just play half-baked lawyers shag legal texts, all should be subject to investigation if there's the need to, or the dood in question is a "Toon", supposedly an "untouchable". Or that Mullah Anwar is behind the latest antics and hence there may be foul play involved.

Have no fear, invite any investigation, stand up upright and stand in front of the judge, the Almighty (if you trust Her) will protect you (and maybe yer stolen money), all our stolen-five-cent lawyers will defend you for free if you can't swim to those islands where any loot may be parked to pay for real lawyers.

This is the time to step hard on them bagboy wallahs get them to cough up the moolah for the emergency funds to buy MPs and the honourable members of the judiciary..? Whatever needs to be done had better be done, and done well. And that's before one player gets shoved out of gomen, one player gets his other hoof in the grave, and the lanky floor mop gets floored... Don't panic yet, the "Toons" may have to surrender. Unless their bagboy wallahs can move fast...

Anyway, whatever happens - or doesn't, we're going to get a great show and hilarious Looney Toons!

Btw, who's "Mr Cunter"?

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I have really bad news for you, Ah Beng.

You no spikkink Engrish.

Really, really is no spikkinks. You no is go school, is it arrrrr?

Hilarious. Keep it up.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Dollar trying to be two sens again, no content, no bases, no evidence to back up his loada halal hogwash, trying to be Kerala-style Hinglish grammar police, trying to be two-bit chickenshit kampong racist "supremacist", unloading his bile on "Mr Cunter", presuming whoever that may be, two-sen-Dollar has no spiritual love for him.

How delightful!

Two-sen Dollar's unlikely to have spent much time outside Bolehland where the locals are from a tradition going back to the time when plantation Malaya had Hinglish teachers imported from that darkie Mahathir's homeland Kerala in Mother India where the natives strive to be more English than the English, albeit with their weird and wonderful accents.

The English and those with English ancestry however speak rather bad English, have poor grammar and poor spellink, and care not a hoot about that, very unlike the brown and black native wallahs of the colonies - who strive to make themselves grammar police especially on the internet.

One does find this rather charming phenomenon among those who have no substance and no content who often can't hold their weak position in discussions who veer off into attacks venting their bile and rupturing their spleen. Two-sen Dollar is one of these wonders, he goes bananas runs amok when he sees what his kampong Reich does not allow. Or when the ground he postures on gives way when he cannot come up with anything to make him look somewhat of a pseudo intellectual and a depository of abundant knowledge, our "bright spark" has a friend at the LSE, and they go to the Kew archives to dig up information the British and the Better-informed said long ago don't exist. The information, of course, do exist, but Two-sen Dollar is unfortunately a blooming nobody, and as most likely a little blackish-brown damn native will never get to see any paper above his station, as, sorry, a Sambo niggah boy. Even if he writes in the Kerala version of Mrs Windsor's English.

Still, my dear Sambo, what exactly is aggravating you with the English of that "Mr Cunter"? Surely it must be something else rather that gets you to run amok with your bitchy hissing fit.

Not that I give a toss about your "supremacist" chicken feather being ruffled or even you tear them out, I find your amok fit rather funny, "Mr Cunter" must have stepped on your only testicle to have you hit the roof. Your aversion for him makes you run berserk with a keris, parang or hammer like you are trying to kill a fly.

"Mr Cunter" is most likely an Angmoh, they all have problems with their grammar, spelling and all, but as a matter of fact the real English-speaking types don't give the shiite about how they speak or write. I know because I spent a considerable time in English-speaking countries and the wallahs there are all very bad in English. Their spelling is worse than Bolehlanders with their language of stolen English words with dyslexic spellink.

In case you don't already know, there's no such thing as "correct" English for quite a good long while now. Many "English" that's not the English of the English or even of the colonies are accepted as English. Even the pidgin of Papua is accepted as English. So is Singapore English.

Anyway, nobody needs to make a fetish of being a grammar police here. And I don't believe "Mr Cunter" cares or anyone has appointed you to mark the texts here, thank you. There are plenty of sites on the net that are hard up for English education, you can make yourself useful marking papers, teaching Manglish or just running amok.

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Anwar has failed to get support of the malay mps.

The malay mps are leaving ph-bn next week.

Gps and grs will reject anwar's coalition if theres only 15 malay mps left with him.

Anwar is panicking. He may lose his pm job. He is investigating every living prime minister to try scare them into supporting him.

All arrest should happen by saturday.

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Will the Tuns stay Tun-ed?

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