A pardon for Najib will tarnish the Malay royalty beyond any hope of recovery. Political expediency may be what's fueling this nonsensical push to let the world's biggest kleptocrat out of jail, however that does not justify it in any way. Pardoning Najib will only add to Malaysia's already silly image on the global stage. If attracting foreign investment is an economic goal, opening the prison gates for Najib will make potential investors close their checkbooks.

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Anwar as pm and zahid as presiden of umno has failed to get malay support for dap led ph coalition because dap opposes malay special rights.

Ngeh for example suggested that a kafir be given a post and power in the islamic syariah council.

Infact kemaman and spg pulai bi-election has proven umno hardcore malays did not vote for umno.

Najib need to be pardoned and lead BN, withdraw support for anwar and join PN.

This will ensure umno gaining back the support of its once 3.3mil malay muslim members that support malay special rights.

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Having worked with the Javanese with a questionable character and a long string of charges (butt discharge "not amounting to acquital"), Mullah Anwar should be very comfortable working with a pardoned Najib.

Najib should return with a preceding campaign by the Dirty Arsewipe Party assuring the public that the tokongs, evangelical saints, Christian fundamentalists, and all the other religious fakes and frauds have "forgiven" him. That worked like magic or witchcraft for Mahathir, got him to return from the living dead to curse Bolehland.

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