The article shows why Islam is not at all suited to Bolehland.

Bolehland has plenty of those wide between the ears who hardly understand Islam but think they do. The game is to sound "with it" and to lord it over each other monkey and others.

The Allamighty says to hang around until there comes messengers who will teach the Word in the language of the land. Till now, none has appeared in Bolehland to teach in our blessed pidgin. Check your scriptures and see for yourselves. Try not to do it in Arabic, my Arab friends all say you monkeys are hopeless in that.

So why are our ignorant monkeys so impatient and itchy in their backsides, can't wait to make a big mess of their rubbish grasp of Arabic?

We've already made a big fcuking unholy haram mess of "Islamic banking", wtf!

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What is the point of having such high sounding theories. Malaysia's twin precepts trumps all these theories. The NEP and Ketuanan policies will put money in the pockets of malay muslim elites. That is the ultimate and only aim of having Islamic economic policies. This professor is for show only.

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