"The new role given to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) is moving governance away from the principle of representative democracy, towards theocracy".

This opening statement is indicative of the state of confusion in the mind of its author. If Malaysia is or was a democracy and whether or not it is a democracy then the will of the majority (Muslim and Malay) necessarily makes this move by DS Anwar Ibrahim and JAKIM democratic. It is after all the will of the majority. What's wrong with that?

Prejudices against the Malays and Muslims in particular run very deep especially amongst Malaysia's Chinese. It is both historical as well as political and economic. A xenophobic mindset in this article if there ever was a clear manifestation of that disease is evident in this article.

I refer to an earlier response to a similar jibe at JAKIM and at DS Anwar. How come the Chinese and Indians were so willing to succumb and enslave themselves to the theocratic and Anglicized constitution adopted and imposed on them by the British. How come they are so obsessed with a theocracy of another Judeo Christian Abrahamic religion but panicky of Islam?

A slave it is said is not someone who is bound in chains but whose minds are bound by their masters.

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Like Pakistan and Sudan.

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Pakistan and Sudan are pawns in great power rivalries. Although of Indian non Muslim extraction, I cannot in all conscience support the notion that either Sudan or Pakistan deserve their fate. There is neither a comparison nor an analogy anywhere between them to be found for the current subject matter.

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Both are colonies and both sought implementation of Islamic laws. And Malaysia is following suit.

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When they get older, they become stupider. His Minister just responded to PAS stating otherwise.

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Disaster..migration will accelerate

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Perhaps for migratory races that is a natural phenomenon. Like locusts, they'll eact andd destroy everything n their wake then move on.

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