Are bog rolls halal?

Or the only halal way is to go digital, use fingers, paint them Mars bars colour and let them stink?

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If halal certification is really concerned about muslim's health or religious regulation, or making money without any science or nutrition truth behind it, let's read about how poison becomes additives fit for human consumption.

A 1996 review of past research conducted on aspartame found that every industry-funded study had said the sweetener was safe to consume. However 92 percent of independent studies claim one or more problems exist with its use, the British newspaper the Guardian reported.

Aspartame (C14H18N2O5 ) is a compound of three components. These components are methanol, aspartic acid and phenylalanine (the latter being free form amino acids).

Methanol (methyl alcohol or wood alcohol) is a colorless, poisonous, and flammable liquid. It is used for making formaldehyde, acetic acid, methyl t-butyl ether (a gasoline additive), paint strippers, carburetor cleaners for your car’s engine, and chloromethanes, et al. This poison can be inhaled from vapors, absorbed through the skin, and ingested.

The Aspartic acid, in aspartame, is also an excitotoxin. An excitotoxin, is a deleterious substance that excites or over-stimulates nerve cells. This occurs in the brain, as well as the peripheral nerves, because aspartic acid, in free form, is an absorption accelerant & easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

What makes this all the more intriguing is that “excitotoxins” appear to play a key role in degenerative nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and many others.

But the story doesn’t stop there. It appears that an imbalance of these excitotoxins during critical periods of brain development can result in an abnormal formation of brain pathways; that is, a “miswiring of the brain.” This may lead to serious disorders such as behavioral problems (hyperactivity, aggression, attention deficit disorders, learning disorders, poor learning ability, and ADD)-and a lifetime of endocrine problems such as menstrual difficulties, infertility, and premature puberty.

One of the earliest observations seen in animals exposed to large doses was gross obesity. Some neuro-scientistsA have voiced concern that America’s explosion of childhood obesity may be related to excitotoxins in food.

Aspartame creates altered brain function, nerve damage, and systemic organ complications. Information collected reveals that aspartame clinically exacerbates any borderline (even yet undetected) predisposing illness, and absolutely complicates certain known medical illnesses like Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, diabetes, retinopathies, allergies, mentation disorders, etc. (See list of symptoms

Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president January 21, 1981. Rumsfeld, while still CEO at Searle, was part of Reagan's transition team. This team hand-picked Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., to be the new FDA commissioner. Dr. Hayes, a pharmacologist, had no previous experience with food additives before being appointed director of the FDA. On January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan's inauguration, Reagan issued an executive order eliminating the FDA commissioners' authority to take action and Searle re-applied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame in food sweetener. Hayes, Reagan's new FDA commissioner, appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry's decision. It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a 3-2 decision. So Hayes installed a sixth member on the commission, and the vote became deadlocked. He then personally broke the tie in aspartame's favor.

One of Hayes' first official acts as FDA chief was to approve the use of aspartame as an artificial sweetener in dry goods on July 18, 1981. In order to accomplish this feat, Hayes had to overlook the scuttled grand jury investigation of Searle, overcome the Bressler Report, ignore the PBOI's recommendations and pretend aspartame did not chronically sicken and kill thousands of lab animals. Hayes left his post at the FDA in November, 1983, amid accusations that he was accepting corporate gifts for political favors. Just before leaving office in scandal, Hayes approved the use of aspartame in beverages. After Hayes left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, he served briefly as Provost at New York Medical College, and then took a position as a high-paid senior medical advisor with Burson-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. Since that time he has never spoken publicly about aspartame. FYI, here's Rachel Maddow on Burson-Marsteller: "When Evil needs public relations, Evil has Burson-Marsteller on speed dial." Evil, thy name is chemical food additives.

Here's the kicker: When Searle was absorbed by Monsanto in 1985, Donald Rumsfeld reportedly received a $12 million bonus, pretty big money in those days. Also, while at Searle, Rumsfeld was awarded Outstanding CEO in the Pharmaceutical Industry from the Wall Street Transcript (1980) and Financial World (1981)! Imagine that...

Early in 1981 Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (who is a former Secretary of Defense.. surprise surprise) vowed to “call in his markers,” to get it approved. January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, Searle took the steps to re-apply aspartame’s approval for use by the FDA. Ronald Reagans’ new FDA commissioner Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr., appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry’s decision. It did not take long for the panel to decide 3-2 in favor of maintaining the ban of aspartame. Hull then decided to appoint a 6th member to the board, which created a tie in the voting, 3-3. Hull then decided to personally break the tie and approve aspartame for use. Hull later left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, served briefly as Provost at New York Medical College, and then took a position with Burston-Marsteller. Burstone-Marstella is the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. Since that time he has never spoken publicly about aspartame.

, aspartame has been under a lot of attack by scientists, doctors, chemists and consumers about its safety and neurotoxic properties. Piles of comprehensive studies have been completed that show aspartame is a cause for over 90 serious health problems such as cancer, leukemia, headaches, seizures, fibromyalgia, and epilepsy just to name a few.

The artificial sweetener, Aspartame, was approved by the FDA, in 1981. By the 1990’s, the FDA had a list of 92 symptoms reported to them by 10,000 consumers, a list revealed to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. (2)

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"Aspartame (C14H18N2O5 )", "1996"!

A shed load of stuff have replaced "Aspartame (C14H18N2O5 )", since "1996", haven't you read the papers since that very very long time ago?

Your lack of grasp of the area is wickedly embarrassing! Are you also too lazy to update yourself?

Jeesuz fcuking H Christ! Alvin Toffler, Peter Drucker, and all those weird and wonderful you often cite are all ancient relics, you should think about pretending to be an expert in ancient history or anthropology. But don't take up your course with any Bolehland university or with any cult!

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Encouraging mass social action through soft power is simply not the Malaysian way. In Malaysia the government is used to strong-arm tactics, like mandatory halal certs, to get all to follow along.

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Likewise let the market (not t he NED, Bersih, the DAP or the Regime Change monkeys) decide who registers for Halal. Let the market also decide whether the pig eating , dog and cat, rat and human babies eating Chinese should have a say at all. They can malign the Malays and Muslims all they want, but if this has to go to a vote, every Malay and Muslim will vote the Chinaman down and destroy his foreign funders as well. So let the Democratic system prevail. Let the majority decide. Let them also exclude the Chinese on this vote.

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Gopher Chicken Korma, about those "cat, rat and human babies eating Chinese", I'm afraid they don't exist - apart from in the wild and delusional hallucination of a plantation coconut pretend "white man" niggah like you.

You can't attack any one who don't exist but in your skull.

Do try to exercise your tiny skull with the two grey cells more. Be more creative. Be a more original racist than a black dirt digger monkey pretend "white man" and you can be more interesting - and even truthful.

At the weak loser effort you are making you only show you are a very rageful lonely geriatric and all here should really show love for you by consigning you a subcontinental Abu Graib!

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You are not only shallow in thinking, you are also a racist

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If I lack depth in my thinking, it is to satisfy the intellect of people like you. It is amazing how thin your skin becomes when someone expresses an opposing view to your tirade of racially charged statments (including those of Muray) and directes your venom so unsubtely at your pet hate target the Malays.

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"If I lack depth in my thinking"

You most certainly do, Gopher Chicken Korma. Something, or lots of things definitely went disastrously wrong with your tiny head, some when in your sad and sick non-life, you poor Sambo ass!

Please bring three friends here, best not from the plantations, let them tell all how you went so terribly downhill from an insignificant nobody to an insignificant nobody. Please don't invent the friends, you always go very badly wrong with your inventions!

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Gopi is a fake

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