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Perestroika and Glasnost vs MAGA and MAHA!

The empire of chaos is on its last legs and I give it 6 more years to

follow the steps of the USSR.

I am a realist, not a dreamer. When I see how many Americans are homeless, how much money (debt) is used for a dysfunctional and woke military, the level of debt that the empire has trouble servicing, the missed arms race (NATO and the US lost the hypersonics arms race and even the Houthis beat them to the punch), it seems to me that BRICS has started a new STAR war (hypersonic de-dolarization) and MAGA is fighting to catch up. Except that this time the debt burden will kill its ambitions.

You can't reform an empire, it collapses on its weight. That's all!

Didn't the sun set on the British empire on which "the sun never set"?.

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