The natives never learn and will never learn. That’s why some former colonies are still backward while others succeed. Just look around you.

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Malaisesia's unique economic system is one where the monkey elite runs the zoo. Since the white man let the monkeys run the show, the outcome has been consistently no show.

The monkeys see but the monkeys cannot do.

Unless the apartheid system is demolished and those not of the "chosen race" unleashed their productive energy, go forth and blossom there can be not ever be any significant development or growth to talk about.

What we have for our spastic system is a big bunch of noisy deliberately needy monkeys on crutches wanting to shorten the legs of the others in order to achieve the delusion of ape-pearing tall. It is a WTF system only capable of WTF results. Yet there those who wonder why the hell there are those who want to get tf out of the zoo.

When you are blessed with monkeys running the zoo, the best show in town is still a monkey show.

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