The laws of defamation are there to protect people whose reputations have been defamed slandered or libelled. There is no need for anyone to fear the laws of defamation if thy do not defame.
To suggest Malaysia has 'defamation laws' is to stretch credibility a bit beyond the realms of reality. In order to defend against allegations of breaching any Malaysian law one merely has to examine the language and style any of these laws have been drafted in.
Pot calling kettle black?
The laws of defamation are there to protect people whose reputations have been defamed slandered or libelled. There is no need for anyone to fear the laws of defamation if thy do not defame.
To suggest Malaysia has 'defamation laws' is to stretch credibility a bit beyond the realms of reality. In order to defend against allegations of breaching any Malaysian law one merely has to examine the language and style any of these laws have been drafted in.
Present proof,verification and evidence of the crime and use online vpn and bot to get everybodys attention.