A nation of whinging and entitled middle class carbon copies of Western liberalism. They claimed to have known for the past 2 and half decades that Anwar was the ants pants and the most suited candidate to rule them.

They sang panegyrics for him, serving bile and vitriol to those like Dr. Mahathir Mohammad who reined them and their unruly hero when discipline was needed. Anwar always was Anwar and only changed his colors along the way because thats what chameleons do.

To him all credit. Because he was always a chameleon, a pathological and seasoned liar and traitor to his country, a tool of US hegemony in the region.

All of his many followers, from the 80 or so US funded NGO's, including the Malaysian Bar, the various Churches, Bersih and individual influencers were quite happy to indulge him, his lies and perfidy covering up for him in the process then.

Now that Anwar is implementing his policies rather than creating 'wet dreams' for these losers, they complain. All glory to Anwar Ibrahim. Time for Malaysia's NGO's and Regime Changers to swallow.

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"the various Churches"

Not all Churches are created alike.

M for Memali Massacre Monster had (maybe still has) a bunch of good evangelical Christian fundamentalists from the Dirty Arsewipe Party who worshipped him and were fond of posting pictures of themselves fawning at his hooves. At the height they prostrated they looked like Playmates doing the "swallowing" , Jizz Christ Almighty!

Evidently the old Mamak zombie had no problem with that.

Anwar appears to have got up the rear tunnel of Toon and bugged (not buggered) the old zombie with his Mamak Move.

By reacting the way he does, Mamakthir is like a mole in the kids' game Whack a Mole. Instead of laying low and not getting so triggered, the old zombie keeps popping up to get whacked.

Worse still, the Kerala Krait's fidgety response to Anwar's antics against who is only the other Toon, is already showing up Mamakthir as a worthy suspect in whatever Mullah Anwar is after.

Now that Muthumirzanisamy (or is it Old Floor Mop's son?) is being hauled in front of the MACC, the old zombie is raging and popping up and down like a fcuking Mad Mo mad mole, how telling...

Let's hope they don't do a Beng Hock Job on No. 1 Son, he flies off a high spot onto his Proton (or is it a race track Porsche?)

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Anwar as pm failed to get malay support. To survive,he now has to try to please the sabahans,sarawakians,non malays and the inconsequential liberal malay democrats. He is like a cat on a hot tin roof.

Tun M knows this. He pressures anwar at the right place and at the right time. Anwar is restless. He imagine the mps are going to announce their withdrawal of support for him anytime soon once tun m snaps his finger. He wonders when is the mp of bera,jelebu,simpang renggam,air hitam,tg piai and tapah are gonna to leave and will that snowball into papar,sipitang,ranau,keningau,batu sapi and tawau...

Tun M is smiling.He is a master of bringing down politicians. He is going to snap his finger soon. Gps will leave when all the rest do.💀

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POLITICAL ties for the rich and well connected is the tried and proven method to stay in power for the short sighted politicians who are already in power and have tasted the intoxicant,addictive power of public office. I takes wisdom,courage and conviction to really help the poor and disadvantage. Pandering to oligarch and wealthy takes little effort as it is already en trend in old political system.

“In a society governed passively by free markets and free elections, organized greed always defeats disorganized democracy.”

― Matt Taibbi, Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

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Old Fart, you sure you dovetailed Taibbi's drift to your genius correctly - or you want it to be the other way round?

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