Well presented indeed. How come Malaysian sociologists and economists and political scientists neglect to reveal these issues to their own public. Where is the university today? Aren't they the "concerned citizens"? Where is the Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN). Obviously they are part of the problem, not the saviour of their own downtrodden people. When will they rise?.So-called scholars have abandoned a deeper understanding of the deeper and true roots of poverty in the country. They have blended in with the the manipulative elites in their own political parties, posing as "analysts" and cerdik pandai' but offering mo real solutions. More investigative studies of the 'real' social structure must be done and exposed urgently. Otherwise, the country and its leadership are simply wasting more and more financial resources in perpetuating the feudal structures that truly in reality the fate of the down trodden sections of the larger community.
There is no need for studies, the Malays already knew the corrupting influence on Malay leaders..chinese and Indian migrant workers. They have jailed najib and his jho low, kulan and king Kong escape, Zahid and uksb, tok mat and the,muhyidin,chee menu..you get the idea, mahatir,arumugam,ananda
Malays are a diluted race thanks to Dr M . Who is a Malay now / no one knows- Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Arab . Russian or something else. If not for the Indians and Chinese - Rubber, Tin, Oil Palm, infrastructure will not have been there. The Shri rush brought Indians and Chinese because - why? They found Malays unreliable and lazy. Look at ye texts by the British in the 1800s!
Hahaha the christians have to justify killing natives, stealing their land with lies. Did the British work in plantation? Why not? It is because the brits themselves were lazy! Who are the British expecting Malays to be their slaves? Thank god the Japanese beat the shit out of them and sent king Charles army back to their small island 😂😂😂
I like the label “Singaporean dissident ". You must have that habit of that nasty Special Branch relative of yours who used to label any Wong, Dick, and Sami as" communist" and have his life destroyed so that your relative could get a pat on the back from his colonial Brit massahs for being a good doggy for empire.
A "dissident" would be a nice label for anyone not sucking up to the likes of Lee Kuan Yew's types.
You must have that old grudge against Singapore still rotting inside you, you failed badly there and ended your not-exactly flying career with everyone whose goolies you were polishing despising you utterly.
Re-inventing yourself and returning to Malaysia didn't help. Not especially when by then you had turned into a fool-blown psycho maniac schizo with the comorbidity of raving delusional narcissism. Wisely your friends treated you as a leper. And right till today!
Uni are driving more racist terminology rather than fibdg ways to confirm tge hugh budget annually reach the right target. That is the obe ethnic group.
Can i have the permission from the person who wrote the above long article on malays being 2nd class on own country to transform the above into ebook. I can be contacted at 0192891954
And the non Malays are "classless" in their own country, with complete shut out from the civil service and favoured less than foreign workers for job opportunities at every industry. Didn't touch on that..
BTW the Tamil pm and Tamil minister SIVAKUMAR is the one bringing 990, 990 poor banglas..Yes 1 million stupid bastard that Sivakumar approved 1 month. corrupt Tamil here😂😂🤦♂️.
The malay politicians and malay elites make ordinary malays as second class citizens. Cronyism, corruption and abuse of power by these malay b*****ds make the rural malays poor and subservient to the rich and powerful. Time for malaysian voters to reject Umno and BN.
One important problem with Malaysia today is the dire lack of a phalanx of real Malay elites who are World-class and urbane. Without real Malay elites, the non-Malay elites can only twiddle their thumbs according to the revered Constitution. I have seen 3 Generations of real Malay elites self-immolated. Beginning with the BMF Generation 1970-1981 followed by the Renong Generation 1981-2003 and the 1MDB Generation 2004-2022. A democratic Government cannot be ruled by politicians only because they are always busy and have no time to think and ponder. Many thick layers of real Malay elites are required to bolster the general administrative competency and efficiency of policies and their implementation of a government. The politicians are the decision makers not the elites who turn the wheel. Malaysia's problem is the dire lack of real Malay elites to understand, study, process and utilize the purported billions of US Dollar investments coming our way ! The Talent Corp recruited no talents because there are none. Elites are built up over generations and protected accordingly. A good example is India which not only kept the English language but enhanced it as well in the education centres of New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkatta and the Dehra Dun and Mussoorie hub. India's 350 millions English speaking Indians form the bulwark of real elites to challenge the World today and the future. India's development of her elites is one of the finest today ! Thanks to her Leaders beginning with Gandhi and Pandit Nehru ! Both spent time overseas in their pursuit knowledge.
So you have no confidence in the Malay downtrodden then?
Put it mildly, the Chinese "elite" and the Indian "elite" in Malaysia are pretty damn useless too, they can't get anywhere pass those "lesser" Malay "elite".
Mr Corn Can, you are the poor sod "poor sub-continent", you identify yourself as "Anglo-Indian", albeit you also identity yourself as cake-maker Kipling's "Kim" Jong-un of Mumbai. Not to forget among the other wonders of your multiple personalities you are a can of corn! Ho ho ho..!
You won't know how to measure "IQ", yours is extremely low: have you not wondered how perversely moronic you are responding to my spitting on you - what makes you think the creature I've been having great entertainment talking down to is you?
I am not entirely sure you and the creature I've been complimentary about is one and same. But you keep insisting it is you, each of your posts shows you badly want to be that piece of oink shiite.
When I'm not exactly sure that lunatic schizo narcissist is you, you don't have to stick your head up like in a "Bash a Mole" game. That's being entirely moronic begging to be bash on your thick skull!
Don't fuss over the "vulgarity" if you keep shielding your huge overimaginative schizo ego against my "slights" with your fat face.
In other words, when I spit, don't block it with your thin-skinned face.
And if you can't stand the heat, don't wobble into this kitchen.
And don't keep confirming I've hit the right blob of a target, Mr Corn Can, Ho ho ho..!
If I don't exist as you dearly wish, who then are you responding to?
We all know raving schizos can see and talk to things that don't exist but here you are certain I don't exist - but yet you swallow my bait and keep responding to me!
You have an ego that matches your physical blimp size, unfortunately it's thin-glass fragile. Every time you imagine a non-existent person scratches your fat slimy ego slightly you freak out, play the victim, and screech like a bitch on heat!
Why can't you get some style, act calmly, and you'll appear less of a raving schizophrenic and extreme delusional narcissist each time I very easily demolish you with barely any effort?
Why don't you offer your service to your "beloved country" someone as grotesquely obese can still catch that famous Jho Low. He's a cut down version of your Immense size though he has hugely more style than you can ever dream of.
You know the well-known saying it takes one to catch one? Well, this can be your only chance to serve your beloved country so grab the opportunity right away!
You are a frustrated Singapore dissident unmasked by me. Please go back to Singapore. You have no locus standi in Malaysia. Please do not debase this distinguished Blog with your stink. Thank you.
Don't put words in my mouth, you subcontinent idiot ! I am a Constitutionalist. Never a Communalist like you. I supported all incumbent Governments since 1954- 2023.. I donated my father's mansion with 13 acres to be the 1st Negara Istana and much more. You are just a frustrated sub-continent type of no merit who try to pick quarrels behind a pseudonym and talk cock al; the time. What have you contributed to our beloved Malatsia, idiot ?
Sounds painful! You must have great difficulty with evacuating your gigantic entrails!
I don't give a shiite what you are, no need to advertise and get into your me me and myself bouts of narcissism. I'm not interested in your bio - or that of any lunatic schizophrenic narcissists, thank you.
No need to shag off about your donation from your ill-gotten gain from your clan's history of stooges and backside kissers for the Brit colonial order. That's not impressive, it was a grotesque sellout of our country and people many of whom you lot sacrificed.
"sub-continent type"
I'm not from that fraternity. And no need to be racist, you sorry fat blob of pretend-Anglo-Indian with bizarre Victorian Indian colonial "English".
"behind a pseudonym"
You mean your name stolen from a can of genetically-modified corn is real?! You hiding bravely inside a corn can?!
Just based on what little research I've done here so far, Malays appear to be in some ways 3rd class citizens, for reasons cited above, and what appears to be so-called "neo-liberal" economic practices by the disproportionately wealthy within their own ethnic group. https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/321081 Trying to find a graph of "average" incomes by ethnic/racial group here is problematic, given "mean" averages are typically used, when median and/or mode (measures of central tendency) would be much more accurate. Also, tragically, I have seen the effects of Islam used as a form of selective punishment for some Malays (reacting naturally to social injustices), creating a sizeable class of those who can act like perfect Muslims in its external forms when necessary for public appearances, while behaving exactly the reverse in their ordinary lives. Being a solution oriented kind of person, I can suggest several ways to foster unity and greater social and economic mobility within and between ethnic and income groups, and will hopefully (Inshallah) in the near future float some of those ideas, though resistance is highly probable. Simultaneously, I'm working on several other things at the same time, for example foreign discriminatory practices exacerbating inter-ethnic bias and conflict here...
Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like?
"They should go back now that China is much richer..."
They can't, actually.
Most of the Chinese that came from China are gone from this world, and China doesn't recognise any Malaysian ethnic Chinese as Chinese nationals, except for about 400 or so families in Malaysia who are Chinese passport holders.
Just as well, of all the Southeast Asian ethnic Chinese, China despise the Malaysian ones most. Yet this lot pay no tax to China but has that fantasy that should anything untoward happens to them, China would send it's army to rescue what are to them a bloody bunch of weird foreigners!
But don't forget if this is the case with poor Malays the what about the Chinese and especially Indians. It is time for the present government o look these matters seriously and urgently and act without bias to put things RIGHT.
Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poors ,to China poor people. maybe they can go to Britain as her majesty subjects. They need urgently go back to
This is the hard truth everyone need to read im so upset when will our people wake up to not be fooled by the people who promised to be their savior but constantly abandon them during their hardships..
There is no need for studies, the Malays already knew the corrupting influence on Malay leaders..chinese and Indian migrant workers. They have jailed najib and his jho low, kunan and king Kong escape, Zahid and uksb, tok mat and teh, ,muhyidin,chee meng..you get the idea, mahatir,arumugam,ananda,
This paper can be used as a reference for our education policy broken up into specific topics and for all ministries for their action plan targeting ALL races, the individuals and the group. Yes as a nation we shall move forward
We will chase those who cannot or find it unsafe n call themselves the owner of this land. 100 yrs to come. This community never rise. Only 6 feet land is urs. Safe ur kind first n before even think of belittling others. This js a ambarrasing community.
The rich Bumiputras are 1 sf class . The poor 2 nd class . Who makes policies, decision of the majority Malay population . How come they are 2 nd class?
The 60+ rule by UMNO/BN has successfully turned Malays into one of the insecured race in the world. Every top posts must be a Malay otherwise the Malays will be trampled. In return you have a system that is riddled with corruption from the bottom right to the top.
There is no need for studies, the Malays already knew umno riddled with corruption, the corrupting influence on Malay leaders..chinese and Indian migrant workers. They have jailed najib and his jho low, kunan and king Kong escape, Zahid and uksb, tok mat and teh, ,muhyidin,chee meng..you get the idea, mahatir,arumugam,ananda,
This proves yet once again that the way forward is to institute targeted institutional assistance irrespective of race and religion. I trust that Anwar is on the right track in resolving this discrimination.
Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like?
Well presented indeed. How come Malaysian sociologists and economists and political scientists neglect to reveal these issues to their own public. Where is the university today? Aren't they the "concerned citizens"? Where is the Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN). Obviously they are part of the problem, not the saviour of their own downtrodden people. When will they rise?.So-called scholars have abandoned a deeper understanding of the deeper and true roots of poverty in the country. They have blended in with the the manipulative elites in their own political parties, posing as "analysts" and cerdik pandai' but offering mo real solutions. More investigative studies of the 'real' social structure must be done and exposed urgently. Otherwise, the country and its leadership are simply wasting more and more financial resources in perpetuating the feudal structures that truly in reality the fate of the down trodden sections of the larger community.
There is no need for studies, the Malays already knew the corrupting influence on Malay leaders..chinese and Indian migrant workers. They have jailed najib and his jho low, kulan and king Kong escape, Zahid and uksb, tok mat and the,muhyidin,chee menu..you get the idea, mahatir,arumugam,ananda
Malays are a diluted race thanks to Dr M . Who is a Malay now / no one knows- Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Arab . Russian or something else. If not for the Indians and Chinese - Rubber, Tin, Oil Palm, infrastructure will not have been there. The Shri rush brought Indians and Chinese because - why? They found Malays unreliable and lazy. Look at ye texts by the British in the 1800s!
Hahaha the christians have to justify killing natives, stealing their land with lies. Did the British work in plantation? Why not? It is because the brits themselves were lazy! Who are the British expecting Malays to be their slaves? Thank god the Japanese beat the shit out of them and sent king Charles army back to their small island 😂😂😂
The gutless Brits had to depend on the communists and Malayan patriots to fight the Japanese.
After the war, the Brits promptly turn round and stab the real heroes in the back.
You are a frustrated Singaporean dissident unmasked by me. Please go home. Stop talking cock.
I like the label “Singaporean dissident ". You must have that habit of that nasty Special Branch relative of yours who used to label any Wong, Dick, and Sami as" communist" and have his life destroyed so that your relative could get a pat on the back from his colonial Brit massahs for being a good doggy for empire.
A "dissident" would be a nice label for anyone not sucking up to the likes of Lee Kuan Yew's types.
You must have that old grudge against Singapore still rotting inside you, you failed badly there and ended your not-exactly flying career with everyone whose goolies you were polishing despising you utterly.
Re-inventing yourself and returning to Malaysia didn't help. Not especially when by then you had turned into a fool-blown psycho maniac schizo with the comorbidity of raving delusional narcissism. Wisely your friends treated you as a leper. And right till today!
Am I right or am I right?
Reflect carefully and honest answer, please.
"Look at ye texts by the British in the 1800s!"
Those texts are testament to Brit racism.
The Brit texts about Chinese and Indians are not exactly flattering either.
Uni are driving more racist terminology rather than fibdg ways to confirm tge hugh budget annually reach the right target. That is the obe ethnic group.
Indians like you must go back to India..in India they used all racist Hindu terms. There you will be be happy , bumi.
Is kafirs an Indian term?
Are "najjis" not about folks who are not Muslims?
You are a Singaporean dissident. Go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock.
Happy trolling!
Even if that's not being respectful to this blog, we understand narcissists are incapable of growing up
You must be an Indian Muslim . You guys are smart / you have capture Malaysia ! Now the Malays are not sure who they are?
Can i have the permission from the person who wrote the above long article on malays being 2nd class on own country to transform the above into ebook. I can be contacted at 0192891954
Certainly go ahead
And the non Malays are "classless" in their own country, with complete shut out from the civil service and favoured less than foreign workers for job opportunities at every industry. Didn't touch on that..
BTW the Tamil pm and Tamil minister SIVAKUMAR is the one bringing 990, 990 poor banglas..Yes 1 million stupid bastard that Sivakumar approved 1 month. corrupt Tamil here😂😂🤦♂️.
I think they practice caste system in India. So you are definitely not classless.
The malay politicians and malay elites make ordinary malays as second class citizens. Cronyism, corruption and abuse of power by these malay b*****ds make the rural malays poor and subservient to the rich and powerful. Time for malaysian voters to reject Umno and BN.
Ya, talk only. As a malay u will still vote umno melayu right?
90% voting for new Malay power PN.
Unfair presumptuous comment.
One important problem with Malaysia today is the dire lack of a phalanx of real Malay elites who are World-class and urbane. Without real Malay elites, the non-Malay elites can only twiddle their thumbs according to the revered Constitution. I have seen 3 Generations of real Malay elites self-immolated. Beginning with the BMF Generation 1970-1981 followed by the Renong Generation 1981-2003 and the 1MDB Generation 2004-2022. A democratic Government cannot be ruled by politicians only because they are always busy and have no time to think and ponder. Many thick layers of real Malay elites are required to bolster the general administrative competency and efficiency of policies and their implementation of a government. The politicians are the decision makers not the elites who turn the wheel. Malaysia's problem is the dire lack of real Malay elites to understand, study, process and utilize the purported billions of US Dollar investments coming our way ! The Talent Corp recruited no talents because there are none. Elites are built up over generations and protected accordingly. A good example is India which not only kept the English language but enhanced it as well in the education centres of New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkatta and the Dehra Dun and Mussoorie hub. India's 350 millions English speaking Indians form the bulwark of real elites to challenge the World today and the future. India's development of her elites is one of the finest today ! Thanks to her Leaders beginning with Gandhi and Pandit Nehru ! Both spent time overseas in their pursuit knowledge.
So you have no confidence in the Malay downtrodden then?
Put it mildly, the Chinese "elite" and the Indian "elite" in Malaysia are pretty damn useless too, they can't get anywhere pass those "lesser" Malay "elite".
I do not need dirt poor sub-continent types with a low IQ and a penchant for vulgarity to tell me what to do !
"poor sub-continent"
Mr Corn Can, you are the poor sod "poor sub-continent", you identify yourself as "Anglo-Indian", albeit you also identity yourself as cake-maker Kipling's "Kim" Jong-un of Mumbai. Not to forget among the other wonders of your multiple personalities you are a can of corn! Ho ho ho..!
You won't know how to measure "IQ", yours is extremely low: have you not wondered how perversely moronic you are responding to my spitting on you - what makes you think the creature I've been having great entertainment talking down to is you?
I am not entirely sure you and the creature I've been complimentary about is one and same. But you keep insisting it is you, each of your posts shows you badly want to be that piece of oink shiite.
When I'm not exactly sure that lunatic schizo narcissist is you, you don't have to stick your head up like in a "Bash a Mole" game. That's being entirely moronic begging to be bash on your thick skull!
Don't fuss over the "vulgarity" if you keep shielding your huge overimaginative schizo ego against my "slights" with your fat face.
In other words, when I spit, don't block it with your thin-skinned face.
And if you can't stand the heat, don't wobble into this kitchen.
And don't keep confirming I've hit the right blob of a target, Mr Corn Can, Ho ho ho..!
You do not exist. So stop talking cock !
If I don't exist as you dearly wish, who then are you responding to?
We all know raving schizos can see and talk to things that don't exist but here you are certain I don't exist - but yet you swallow my bait and keep responding to me!
You have an ego that matches your physical blimp size, unfortunately it's thin-glass fragile. Every time you imagine a non-existent person scratches your fat slimy ego slightly you freak out, play the victim, and screech like a bitch on heat!
Why can't you get some style, act calmly, and you'll appear less of a raving schizophrenic and extreme delusional narcissist each time I very easily demolish you with barely any effort?
Why don't you offer your service to your "beloved country" someone as grotesquely obese can still catch that famous Jho Low. He's a cut down version of your Immense size though he has hugely more style than you can ever dream of.
You know the well-known saying it takes one to catch one? Well, this can be your only chance to serve your beloved country so grab the opportunity right away!
You are a frustrated Singapore dissident unmasked by me. Please go back to Singapore. You have no locus standi in Malaysia. Please do not debase this distinguished Blog with your stink. Thank you.
Don't put words in my mouth, you subcontinent idiot ! I am a Constitutionalist. Never a Communalist like you. I supported all incumbent Governments since 1954- 2023.. I donated my father's mansion with 13 acres to be the 1st Negara Istana and much more. You are just a frustrated sub-continent type of no merit who try to pick quarrels behind a pseudonym and talk cock al; the time. What have you contributed to our beloved Malatsia, idiot ?
"I am a Constitutionalist"
Sounds painful! You must have great difficulty with evacuating your gigantic entrails!
I don't give a shiite what you are, no need to advertise and get into your me me and myself bouts of narcissism. I'm not interested in your bio - or that of any lunatic schizophrenic narcissists, thank you.
No need to shag off about your donation from your ill-gotten gain from your clan's history of stooges and backside kissers for the Brit colonial order. That's not impressive, it was a grotesque sellout of our country and people many of whom you lot sacrificed.
"sub-continent type"
I'm not from that fraternity. And no need to be racist, you sorry fat blob of pretend-Anglo-Indian with bizarre Victorian Indian colonial "English".
"behind a pseudonym"
You mean your name stolen from a can of genetically-modified corn is real?! You hiding bravely inside a corn can?!
You do not exist hiding behind a pseudonym talking cock.
Yours a real name then?
You really think you're a can of corn? And not a can of baked beans?
You are a dissident Singaporean unmasked by me. Please go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock !
Just based on what little research I've done here so far, Malays appear to be in some ways 3rd class citizens, for reasons cited above, and what appears to be so-called "neo-liberal" economic practices by the disproportionately wealthy within their own ethnic group. https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/321081 Trying to find a graph of "average" incomes by ethnic/racial group here is problematic, given "mean" averages are typically used, when median and/or mode (measures of central tendency) would be much more accurate. Also, tragically, I have seen the effects of Islam used as a form of selective punishment for some Malays (reacting naturally to social injustices), creating a sizeable class of those who can act like perfect Muslims in its external forms when necessary for public appearances, while behaving exactly the reverse in their ordinary lives. Being a solution oriented kind of person, I can suggest several ways to foster unity and greater social and economic mobility within and between ethnic and income groups, and will hopefully (Inshallah) in the near future float some of those ideas, though resistance is highly probable. Simultaneously, I'm working on several other things at the same time, for example foreign discriminatory practices exacerbating inter-ethnic bias and conflict here...
We can certainly do with a white saviour, Alleluyah!
You are a Singaporean dissident unmasked by me. Go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock.
Raja raja chola king shd hve taken this Land . Then , tghe Q of Bumi, lingo from Tamil , remains n Malay indeginous would hve bcome a lost identity
Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like?
"They should go back now that China is much richer..."
They can't, actually.
Most of the Chinese that came from China are gone from this world, and China doesn't recognise any Malaysian ethnic Chinese as Chinese nationals, except for about 400 or so families in Malaysia who are Chinese passport holders.
Just as well, of all the Southeast Asian ethnic Chinese, China despise the Malaysian ones most. Yet this lot pay no tax to China but has that fantasy that should anything untoward happens to them, China would send it's army to rescue what are to them a bloody bunch of weird foreigners!
You are a Singaporean dissident unmasked by me. Go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock.
This article has hit the nail on the hraf
Very hppd
But don't forget if this is the case with poor Malays the what about the Chinese and especially Indians. It is time for the present government o look these matters seriously and urgently and act without bias to put things RIGHT.
Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poors ,to China poor people. maybe they can go to Britain as her majesty subjects. They need urgently go back to
India Pronto.
"not the responsibilities of the Malays"
The Malays are not the responsibilities of the Orang Aslis.
Or even the Orangutans
You are a Singaporean dissident unmasked by me. Go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock.
This is the hard truth everyone need to read im so upset when will our people wake up to not be fooled by the people who promised to be their savior but constantly abandon them during their hardships..
There is no need for studies, the Malays already knew the corrupting influence on Malay leaders..chinese and Indian migrant workers. They have jailed najib and his jho low, kunan and king Kong escape, Zahid and uksb, tok mat and teh, ,muhyidin,chee meng..you get the idea, mahatir,arumugam,ananda,
"no need for studies, the Malays already knew the corrupting influence on Malay leaders"
Ok, forget the "studies" bit, how's about getting off from under them coconut trees, do something about the corrupt Malay leaders?
You are a Singaporean dissident unmasked by me. Go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock.
Well observed, but the truth is truly inconvenient.
This paper can be used as a reference for our education policy broken up into specific topics and for all ministries for their action plan targeting ALL races, the individuals and the group. Yes as a nation we shall move forward
How many psychologists are required to change a light bulb?
None. The light bulb has to want to save itself.
Psychology is a pseudo, even a fake science.
If psychologists be the ones to save Malaysia (and not themselves), we'd end up in the Dark Age.
You are a Singaporean dissident unmasked by me. Go back to Singapore. Stop talking cock.
Mr Corn Can, you're not working hard enough, there are lots of my posts you haven't trolled with your cut n paste.
Work harder, don't be oink lazy!
We will chase those who cannot or find it unsafe n call themselves the owner of this land. 100 yrs to come. This community never rise. Only 6 feet land is urs. Safe ur kind first n before even think of belittling others. This js a ambarrasing community.
The rich Bumiputras are 1 sf class . The poor 2 nd class . Who makes policies, decision of the majority Malay population . How come they are 2 nd class?
The 60+ rule by UMNO/BN has successfully turned Malays into one of the insecured race in the world. Every top posts must be a Malay otherwise the Malays will be trampled. In return you have a system that is riddled with corruption from the bottom right to the top.
rubbish. The Malays are the only race to have built a NEW modern world-class country after ww2.
There is no need for studies, the Malays already knew umno riddled with corruption, the corrupting influence on Malay leaders..chinese and Indian migrant workers. They have jailed najib and his jho low, kunan and king Kong escape, Zahid and uksb, tok mat and teh, ,muhyidin,chee meng..you get the idea, mahatir,arumugam,ananda,
This proves yet once again that the way forward is to institute targeted institutional assistance irrespective of race and religion. I trust that Anwar is on the right track in resolving this discrimination.
A full blown homosexual according to nova Italia. Definitely heading to disaster
Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like?