Fat Bridgette Walsh has no reputation whatsoever. She was a pillar in the promotion of Anwar as the champion of democracy in Malaysia. She championed the likes of Ambiga Srinavasan another rogue from the Malaysian bar and Anwar supporter as well as a number of other incredulous beasts of the pro democracy movement.

Unable to face up to and take ownership of the results of their poor choices and their analysis of the political situation in Malaysia, they find eating their own fecal matter in this regard better than telling the truth

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There you go, Gopher Chicken Korma and Keropok salesman, you certainly can't resist your trans powder room bitching against women or what looks like women. While you rage against these wimmin you are not capable of taking them on in a grown-up manner, come up with something more than your helpless plantation niggah tauhu fist to properly whack the fat behinds of these two unusually ugly creatures.

Rather than doing your usual trans powder room bitching you should hit out with a deep dive into the dirty backgrounds of the ugly moos who serve foreign interests for their pieces of silver. Both can't put up a case for anything for Bolehland but still you can't tackle the academic pretender and burn your bridgittes or do better than those of our brave useless eaters of our army who came to the battlefront to twerk their arses outside the hovel of the yet another Indian plantation lawyer. While you cannot get two fans together to make yourself a general to lead an army to bring down any object of your wrath, our ugly old squaw Injun did put together a huge gathering enough to give Ah Jib yellow fever. I have to call that quite an achievement for our niggahs in the service of the likes of George Soros.

The moral of my story, dear Keropok Salesman, it is feeble and useless just doing your trans bitching against them elderly wimmin, what you need to and must do is find the spot in the fat arses of these accidental heroines and stick the nail in. Merely doing trans powder room bitching ain't gonna git Bolehland nowhere, and them ugly old cows are having a big laugh and a half at you, ya stupid old trans bitch Gopher Chicken Korma Keropok Salesman!

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The economy is recovering and less corruption from umno helps agencies to give grants and soft loans to smes.

Revenge? As much as pmx shld move on, he was badly treated especially in the late 90s. Maybe that helps justify his action.

The long term looks good with policies such as bringing in highly skilled high end tech investments, esg and energy transformation programs.

Pmx however need to win malay support. Let us see the 2025 budget supposedly to reduce cost of living et al.


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