Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Would be a mighty fine idea each platform to have a political overseer appointed by the office of the Fuhrer. Each platform to have its own Reich-approved Herr Goebbels, so to speak (if you are permitted that right to speak).

The Reich should have its own propagandist embedded in the platform to provide for a balanced view. In other words, tipped in favour of the Reich by Reich leaning heavily on the platform.

Alternatively you can tell the Reich to go fcuk itself, you park your site outside the confine and restrictive atmosphere of the Gestapo state. All free press platforms concerned about the kaypoh bent, interference, and censorship by the Reich should reach their audience from elsewhere than a Nazi Malaisesia.

Those media the Gestapo state wants to control or even get rid of are always more useful and interesting than the State-approved media.

It is really concerning how fascistic and thin-skinned our politicians are, and how over-sensitive and terrified they are of being seen as just a bunch of useless weaklings and pathetic frauds.

Yes, scams and online gambling are bad. But our gomens are like scam operators and if gambling is bad then close down all the legal and illegal gambling operations all over the country. All those hurt can always go to Singapore or Thailand to gamble.

Btw, voting for our gomens is also very risky gambles. It is the citizens who always lose big the kind of bags of pure shiite we get to vote for to destroy the country for us.

On the serious side, the Reich will most likely get away with its Gestapo actions. That's simply because our brain-dead monkeys will not notice anything. If they do, they will will not do anything either, and go back to sleep.

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It will be quite interesting to see how this will work — if it works at all — with accounts outside Malaysia or those using VPNs. Perhaps banning VPNs is next?

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