I not agree with your articles, those corruption and misuses power happen so tiny between upper layer individual but just minority of them. Menteri and YB who really earn most, supporting civil servant is now slowly merge smaller, government close up many post, we are now carrying burden full task in hand over limited manpower.
To quote The Star article 3rd February 2017 "So how big is the Malaysian civil service? We have a total of 1.6 million civil servants – that is one government servant to service 19.37 Malaysians. For comparison, the proportion of civil servants to the national population in other countries is 1 to 71.4 people in Singa-pore, 1:110 in Indonesia, 1:50 in Korea, 1:108 in China, 1:28 in Japan, 1:84 in Russia and 1:118 in Britain."
Your calculator need to adjust into numbers of patients / medical staff and numbers of students/ parents over education staff. Enforcement divide to all the rakyat well being. Malaysia government being so nice providing free medical and education to rakyat, do you acknowledge other country has limited government clinic and hospital and school, they education and medical services is expensive, they citizen work like hell to earn income, scare to get sick.
At 11.8% of the workforce, it is definitely NOT limited manpower.
I fully agree with the writer that our civil service exists only for its own benefit, not for the nation. It is draining public funds without any net contributions. If it is a company that operates like this, it would have been bankrupt years ago.
The manpower in the civil service should be drastically reduced, even by 50% if the nation hope for a more efficient and productive civil service, not one that is a burden to the nation.
Maybe what you can see is the bad side of civil servants from physical appearance, you need to pay some effort understanding from every different department, where most of government servant really work hard to serve the country with high performance over heavy workload, you can't comments together with those corruption officer (11%) as you mentions, don't compare them to us, we has our dignity and discipline and integrity.
I not agree with your articles, those corruption and misuses power happen so tiny between upper layer individual but just minority of them. Menteri and YB who really earn most, supporting civil servant is now slowly merge smaller, government close up many post, we are now carrying burden full task in hand over limited manpower.
To quote The Star article 3rd February 2017 "So how big is the Malaysian civil service? We have a total of 1.6 million civil servants – that is one government servant to service 19.37 Malaysians. For comparison, the proportion of civil servants to the national population in other countries is 1 to 71.4 people in Singa-pore, 1:110 in Indonesia, 1:50 in Korea, 1:108 in China, 1:28 in Japan, 1:84 in Russia and 1:118 in Britain."
So, think about it!
Your calculator need to adjust into numbers of patients / medical staff and numbers of students/ parents over education staff. Enforcement divide to all the rakyat well being. Malaysia government being so nice providing free medical and education to rakyat, do you acknowledge other country has limited government clinic and hospital and school, they education and medical services is expensive, they citizen work like hell to earn income, scare to get sick.
This writer is not Malaysian to comments anything, he knows nothing.
At 11.8% of the workforce, it is definitely NOT limited manpower.
I fully agree with the writer that our civil service exists only for its own benefit, not for the nation. It is draining public funds without any net contributions. If it is a company that operates like this, it would have been bankrupt years ago.
The manpower in the civil service should be drastically reduced, even by 50% if the nation hope for a more efficient and productive civil service, not one that is a burden to the nation.
Maybe what you can see is the bad side of civil servants from physical appearance, you need to pay some effort understanding from every different department, where most of government servant really work hard to serve the country with high performance over heavy workload, you can't comments together with those corruption officer (11%) as you mentions, don't compare them to us, we has our dignity and discipline and integrity.