Do they have a legislative body to upgrade the laws so-as to ensure greater accountability? Are there consumer advocacy groups that can petition the Prime Minister to push that kind of reform?
No amount of legislatiive changes by an body so entitled to make or amend laws can assist Malaysia's legal fraternity especially when they come up with such embarassments as this one.
FYI, my mom used to hit me if I complained about something and did not immediately follow it with some kind of solution. The news is full of problems, but I see an abject lack of proactive reporting, which means inquiries into what efforts are being made to solve what may seem to be intractable problems. The vast majority of people want the same things. Most people are normal, e.g. want an education, employment that utilizes their unique interests and skill sets, marriage, family, and for their children to have a better life than them. That's normal. Who taught me that kind of reporting? A real rebel, Mikel Holt, former editor of Milwaukee Community Journal. One of his greatest complaints was and remains gerrymandering in Milwaukee's district mapping, and the Supreme Court shot it down a few years ago in a cruel, racist and unjust response to a Writ of Certiorari (appeal for reconsideration of lower court decision). But, the struggle goes on. Explore all possibilities to resolve injustices when you find them and never stop advocating for justice.
Many Malaysian doctors are terrified to do a wide range of operations, they openly say failure of which may affect their kill rate and ruin their unprofessional reputation.
I have no problem with that considering many of our doctors are of poor or no standard to begin with. Worse still, to end your life with!
Maybe it's more hopeful and safer to do your medical tourism in Indonesia, India...
I appreciate your frankness. Still options must be explored in all fields of civil liberties nonetheless. Cynically giving up is not an option. Sometimes it takes a generation for some learning to be inculcated. Ralph Nader made a huge difference in the US by leading the wave of consumer advocacy. Sometimes all it takes is one charismatic individual who knows how to use law and the media effectively. Global changes have given carte blanche to many governments to over-ride common sense these days. Extremism has become ubiquitous worldwide as has corruption in the US judiciary and an unquestioning public has permitted it. Media consolidation has truncated access to accurate information for most. But, that is no reason to give up, as the work of the alternative media has shown. Not having studied the details of the case in question, I'm limited in my ability to address it, as I have other issues I must attend to at this time. However, I will note maintaining family relationships can be the difference between life and death for many individuals who have been unfairly and cruelly treated. Unfortunately the family unit has been under attack for a couple of generations now by competing interests. So, there are many fronts on the battle for social justice, even when legal justice lags far behind. It has been my belief my entire life that cynicism is a disease, and thus put a great effort of will into being optimistic. Faith in some kind of God, and or at least natural law helps. Have a great day and smile, even when you might not feel like it. It takes an effort of will. Cynicism and Nihilism do not help. Change happens one person, and one case at a time. Use the media. A well written freelance article in one of the major dailies alone could do the trick. You don't know. Start a social media wave if you know the exact details of this case well enough. Remember there are courts higher than the supreme court in most governments. It's called: "The Court of Public Opinion," and those decisions are most definitely listened to by voter-hungry politicians. See? You can smile!
Do they have a legislative body to upgrade the laws so-as to ensure greater accountability? Are there consumer advocacy groups that can petition the Prime Minister to push that kind of reform?
No amount of legislatiive changes by an body so entitled to make or amend laws can assist Malaysia's legal fraternity especially when they come up with such embarassments as this one.
FYI, my mom used to hit me if I complained about something and did not immediately follow it with some kind of solution. The news is full of problems, but I see an abject lack of proactive reporting, which means inquiries into what efforts are being made to solve what may seem to be intractable problems. The vast majority of people want the same things. Most people are normal, e.g. want an education, employment that utilizes their unique interests and skill sets, marriage, family, and for their children to have a better life than them. That's normal. Who taught me that kind of reporting? A real rebel, Mikel Holt, former editor of Milwaukee Community Journal. One of his greatest complaints was and remains gerrymandering in Milwaukee's district mapping, and the Supreme Court shot it down a few years ago in a cruel, racist and unjust response to a Writ of Certiorari (appeal for reconsideration of lower court decision). But, the struggle goes on. Explore all possibilities to resolve injustices when you find them and never stop advocating for justice.
Many Malaysian doctors are terrified to do a wide range of operations, they openly say failure of which may affect their kill rate and ruin their unprofessional reputation.
I have no problem with that considering many of our doctors are of poor or no standard to begin with. Worse still, to end your life with!
Maybe it's more hopeful and safer to do your medical tourism in Indonesia, India...
Even one's own lawyer should be suspect in this morally bankrupt country.
In other words, going to MMC is pointless. So, all patients to take a direct legal course against the doctors, if there's Medical Malpractice.
Again, In other words, MMC is saying "Why come and waste MMC's time, go and waste the Courts time!"
I appreciate your frankness. Still options must be explored in all fields of civil liberties nonetheless. Cynically giving up is not an option. Sometimes it takes a generation for some learning to be inculcated. Ralph Nader made a huge difference in the US by leading the wave of consumer advocacy. Sometimes all it takes is one charismatic individual who knows how to use law and the media effectively. Global changes have given carte blanche to many governments to over-ride common sense these days. Extremism has become ubiquitous worldwide as has corruption in the US judiciary and an unquestioning public has permitted it. Media consolidation has truncated access to accurate information for most. But, that is no reason to give up, as the work of the alternative media has shown. Not having studied the details of the case in question, I'm limited in my ability to address it, as I have other issues I must attend to at this time. However, I will note maintaining family relationships can be the difference between life and death for many individuals who have been unfairly and cruelly treated. Unfortunately the family unit has been under attack for a couple of generations now by competing interests. So, there are many fronts on the battle for social justice, even when legal justice lags far behind. It has been my belief my entire life that cynicism is a disease, and thus put a great effort of will into being optimistic. Faith in some kind of God, and or at least natural law helps. Have a great day and smile, even when you might not feel like it. It takes an effort of will. Cynicism and Nihilism do not help. Change happens one person, and one case at a time. Use the media. A well written freelance article in one of the major dailies alone could do the trick. You don't know. Start a social media wave if you know the exact details of this case well enough. Remember there are courts higher than the supreme court in most governments. It's called: "The Court of Public Opinion," and those decisions are most definitely listened to by voter-hungry politicians. See? You can smile!
Shame on the government and its cabinet for not addressing this serious matter