And why not I ask? Perhaps an afternoon on your computer generated Netflix which still runs the outrageous documentary (for its outrageous subject matter) titled "Operation Varsity Blues" - A College Admissions Scandal, you'll find that even the most highly rated of US universities as Harvard are not immune from the practise of self funding through means that are less than legitimate, lawful or moral.

It was widely rumoured (though Wharton at University of Pennsylvania would not confirm) that the infamous Jho Low "purchased" his Wharton MBA through a massive donation to the University from his wealthy developer father.

Many more wealthy Malaysians have "passed through" US universities through these alternative avenues.

When one considers their command of the English language after passing out from prestigious, Australian, US and UK universities the penny begins to drop. Thanks to the Netflix, A College Admission Scandal documentary, that suspicion is laid to rest very quickly.

JP Morgan 'let go' 4 Chinese Malaysians from their trading, analytical and deal making departments when in 2021 it was discovered, that they had falsified their grade point averages and were under federal investigation on suspicion of having substituted persons as candidates to sit for them at their entry (GRE) and final year exams at Universities. Similar investigations are underway at Yale, Wharton, Princeton and Johns Hopkins. There appears to be a link to a source in KL and each of these and other prestigious US universities, the link acting as a conduit for much needed funds from wealthy Chinese Malaysians to these US Universities.

The rate of Asian academic fraud (meaning mainly Chinese) is very high at Western Universities.

How could anyone leave the UK out of this scandal or forget Lord Patel of the UoL being forced to resign from the senate after it was discovered that Seif El Islam Gaddafi was given a doctorate in Engineering under dubious circumstances after he paid Euros 1.5 million to the University?

There was no proof that the two events were connected. But the lack of explanation by the University led to Lord Patel's resignation not wanting to be tainted by association with an institution which could not verify or authenticate a higher degree awarded to a candidate.

The list goes on. So why is it such a scandal that the University of Malaya and other such institutions modelled on western Universities engage in similar practices?

Reputations are about good reputations not failures. Not every graduate of Oxford or Cambridge is an Einstein or Isaac Newton. The vast majority are partially educated rich kids with a 'Hermes Handbag' quality little utility "education". Money doesn't talk. It screams obscenities at those without it.

The Malaysian legal profession and its judges stand testament to the difference between an academic orientation from an expensive university and an education from hard work at any university.

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"The rate of Asian academic fraud (meaning mainly Chinese) is very high at Western Universities."

Please cite your sources, "It was widely rumoured", "There was no proof that the two events were connected.", "But the lack of explanation"..."...after he paid Euros 1.5 million to the University?", "Netflix"... do not help with your usual infantile effort at making a case.

"... that Seif El Islam Gaddafi was given a doctorate in Engineering" is your usual kind of fcuking moronic nonsense, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi does not have a Jewish version for his name, and he is not and has never been Chinese, the race which your rabid cock-eyed hit piece is running amok to attack.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi degree from the LSE (which I am extremely familiar with!) is in philosophy. This is open information and very easy to find. The very few Malay students that have passed through the LSE (via usually dubious means, in recent decades) are mostly poor quality. A recent dissertation and article hovering around name Alex Josey is an embarrassing childish amateur kopitiam grade output. It was tossed around for a good laugh, not a good read.

Who tf is "Lord Patel of the UoL being forced to resign from the senate"? There was a Lord Desai. Could you have difficulties telling one Kumar from one Korma?

Gaddafi's dissertation was excellent, he was supervised and helped along by a rather distinguished bunch of academics. Getting into an university with money does not equal getting out with a degree.

You should rather not concentrate on your wild efforts at slamming the Chinese that do not hit your target at all but concentrate lon that famous letter from the Russell Group advising Bolehland's government not to embarrass itself sending to the Group's universities sub-standard students who have to be made to drop their courses. As the students were sent by our government, they can only be mostly those well-connected fcuking sh*theads from non-Chinese race.

You idealise foreign universities too much, your bitch reads very much like you never got into any with a good standing.

I don't see any problem with wealthy students from any race helping any academic institution along with money. The students mostly made their entry grades. But not most of our fcukhead retards from the "chosen race". Or any that made the grade but played with inflatable dolls of kids who also have to be thrown out to go to prison before being feted like a national hero back in Bolehland.

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