Write some more MH. We enjoy reading your posts.

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This 10 enemies of the state piece is quite funny.

The real political criminal is dap.

Dap oppose the malaysian federal constitution.

Their Setapak Declaration state clearly that they are against Islam as a formal religion and opposes special rights to ethnic malays.

Dap need to withdraw this SETAPAK DECLARATION which is a political crime and a clear intent to cause instability in rhe nation.

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I am no DAP fan, but if it's in their Sepaktakraw Declaration, I'm fine with "they are against Islam as a formal religion and opposes special rights to ethnic Malays".

Everyone should be entitled to worship what they want and don't want to. I worship a stone.

The Orange Aslis, Ibans, Bidayuhs, Dusuns, Kadazans etc should be accorded their "special rights" too but aren't.

Anyway, why are some so hard up for their "special rights" when they don't seem to know wtf useful for all Malaysians they can do with those "rights" than treat them as status to gloss over serious inferiority complex, lord it over others, and make fcuking fools of themselves with.

Apartheid Malaysia looks entirely like Apartheid Israel which it hypothetically condemns, haven't we got those in Malaysia treated like glorified Palestinians, and Sarawak and Sabah the Occupied Territories?

Isn't the big drama about Jewish exclusivity and the present antagonism in Israel over the change in their law quite like what some of our "chosen wans" are crying out loud over.

Just take a hard look at Israel, the Palestinians can do sweet fcuk all about Israel, their Muslim brothers in the Middle East have long betrayed them, and it's left to the Palestinians to fend and fight for themselves.

I praise the Palestinian resistance and heroism. Suppressed enough, does anyone think the nons etc in Malaysia will take the holy sh*t heaped on them forever?

Seen from where l stand, we're getting the same old load of holy crap about the monkeys running the zoo, any day now we're going to get the line that God, and not just supposedly the Brits, gave the land to Her "chosen", spare me the holy sh*t, please!

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Agong wants unity. To be united,there must be compromised. Umno is having a hard time convincing the people that dap oppose bumiputra status. If dap is sincere about unity, they must show that they are not opposed to special rights to the bumiputra and recognise islam as our official religion. Dap refused. Hence agong cannot get a united malaysian.

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It shouldn't be so difficult for some Malays to compromise, blaming the DAP alone is a cheap ploy and a cheap diversion.

Especially when Malaysia has a secular constitution. Malays do not in reality have any "special rights" - where it is based on Malays being the "sons of the soil" and the "original" people of Malaya/Malaysia, it is utter shameless nonsensical tosh - the Orang Aslis were first, so why be dishonest and pretend otherwise?

Apart from what I've said earlier (there's more!), assuming the Malays are to keep their "special rights", what have they done with that, and what can they do with that, if anything and ever?

We all know that nothing useful even for the Malays than producing a pile of bollocks, splitting the Malays from the nons, splitting the Malays from each other, and producing a useless parasitical "elite", and keeping a whopping number of Malays in numbing poverty.

If some of the Malays continue to insist on their delusional and baseless "special rights", they will only continue to come up with more of the usual crap that will be all fake show of "status" empty of any substance that would ever lift Malays out of their sheer backwardness.

We've been through all the holy bullsh*t of "Malay special rights" for long decades. Nothing monumental nor much has ever been achieved. It's all a fiendish ploy by dirty politicians to gain political power based on a satanic con on the Malays as a whole.

Where fear is used as a means of winning over the Malays, there would come a time Malays will see through the cheap and immature act of deception.

If all in the DAP dies tomorrow, no one would be confident the Malays would improve their lot and existence as a result.

And if those the Malays blame are hounded out of the country, I very much doubt the Malays would magically improve themselves, either.

That's the sorry story.

So, sorry.

And "sorry" those Malays who are noisiest about the nonsensical "special rights" should compromise for their own good (common decency, up-righteousness, compassion, kindness, moral character, and so on)

The ceaseless harping on "special rights" is excruciatingly boring to the nons, an insult to the Orang Aslis, and other many indigenous folks who are the true first and original settlers.

And, why be so terrified of the nons when they effectively do not add up to a scary majority. All when the disinterest of some of the nons to breed like locusts or at all means (mathematically) they would never ever be a huge and frightening force. Try not to be scared, the power, the military, the police are entirely concentrated in the hands of those who shag off the noisiest about their "special rights".

I fall asleep when either the "chosen wans" or even the nons shag off on the non-issue of "special rights" *Yawn.. *

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Anwar was unhappy at the parade yesterday. He knows september is the month. BN will collapse. Lets hope ph falls soon.

The military cannot get involve. We know what happened when the malay ruler declare emergency. We want peace and reject army commandos on our street.

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Fear not the "army commandos on our street".

Few of our warriors can use GPS properly and are even worse with compasses, I kid you not!

Every braveheart with three townies to help find their way anywhere is not the way to do wars.

Led by our fake generals and admirals with their honorary titles, we're well nigh effing done for!

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We penetrate the cabinets! Malaysia's cabinet for sure has been penetrated, both DAP and non-DAP you know who they are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daE0jthD5F8

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I wish that's a list of rogues to hang, and organisations to be treated with a good hard shake up or got rid of.

There's are, of course, more rogues and outfits to be exposed and eradicated (exterminated). For now, this exposure is a refreshing change to the usual stale, sycophantic, gutless, self-serving, same old, nonsensical, excruciating garbage and propaganda crap we have to put up with.

Yes, Merdeka, Alhamdullilah, and three bags full..!

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Oh btw murray, look who's a good friend to our PM. https://twitter.com/anwaribrahim/status/1149187541649596416

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I think the picture of Anwar gleefully rubbing himself under the table sitting next to Wolfowitz is even better. Can't find that pic now, anyone who can locate it, please post.

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IMF visited ahmad maslan two months ago. They are agents of the western capitalist oligarch. They intend to take over the control of the economy of our country. Their terms are we must conform to ESG. This is why rafizi is promoting no carbon economy. What an idiot.

We have the 5th largest oil n gas deposit in the universe and are following these jewish agenda? Why?

Does the madani governement owe it to these elders of zions?

Climate change is control by the ocean. It releases and retain carbon to regulate and preserve a habitable earth. Screw IMF.

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"Does the madani governement owe it to these elders of zions?"

Seems so, Anwar did try to con Mullah Nik Aziz into signing up for the recognition of Israel. Fortunately, the wily mullah didn't fall for the Anwar con.

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Ah.. no wonder the economic minister is very busy awarding himself that solar power plant project through his partner, mr lee choo boo. UEM seems to back its credit facilities. ESG must be IMFs idea.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

"solar power plant"

Maybe the "plant" is in reality a cabbage.

"mr lee choo boo"

I think it's his brother Lee Choo Pak.

Like Mr Gan Tang, the name carries more weight.

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Anyone knows why Holy Hannah "God-fearing" Yeoh's page is missing?

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