To so categorically state that Wee had "exposed corruption in Malaysia" is more than biased reporting apart from a demonstration of abject ignorance on the part of your blog.

Wee is not the mandated authority or the appropriate legal forum to determine the offence of corruption under Malaysia's legislation. He is merely a mouthpiece of an avaricious Chinese network of Malaysians who seek to dominate the peninsula, Sarawak and Sabah on behalf of themselves and foreign NGO's a part of the wider NED Regime Change network.

Wee's crusade is an extension of the nefarious activities of Chin Peng and his bloody men from an era gone by. To campaign for such an individual and his organized band of chauvinists as if they are some paragon of virtue when it comes to cleanliness and fair play by the rules is to bring your otherwise entertaining and sometimes independent blog and yourself into disrepute.

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"Wee's crusade is an extension of the nefarious activities of Chin Peng and his bloody men from an era gone by."

Chicken Korma, you are still deeply stuck in that "era gone by" and still hunting for the heads of the likes of patriots, who, unlike the surrender monkey Brit running dog precursors of UMNO, never capitulated to the colonialist Brits or Nipponese empires. By that I mean the jolly bunch of glorious anti-colonialist fighters of the likes of Uncles Chin Peng, Rashid Mydin, Abdullah CD, etc

The activities of these patriots and heroes can hardly be called "nefarious" even by seriously warped revisionist "historians" who to these days are still trying to rewrite and distort history to say that the traitors, Brit and Japan running dogs and chickens, and cowardly swines were the patriots of the times they sold the country down the river.

I see no connection between Wee's "crusade" and Chin Peng's merry bunch. Nor do I see any "chauvinist" which to a chickenshit longkang racist can only mean the Chinese patriots, the glorious freedom fighters consist many Malay patriots

I don't see how "entertaining and sometimes independent blog" by Mat Angmoh can be either entertaining or independent if it is written the way you don't think. Or you yourself is not already a rat-ass character of no repute. And if the blog is like your repetitive and fcuked-up stale output, why not we just wallow in your trough, Mr Alex Josey II?

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Never ceases to amaze how the finger is so readily pointed at one racial group when it comes to the use of the word or the accusation of the offence of "corruption". Yet history chronicals the culture of corruption in the entire southeast Asian region (See the Asian Godfathers by Cambridge researcher Joe Studwell, Malaysian Maverick by Barry Wain who I shared lunch with in Singapore shortly before he passed).

There are a myriad of others from former British residents, the former police chiefs of Hong Kong under Britain, governors of that island colony and more recently of course Rickard Borsuk and Nancy Chng's 'Liem Sioe Liong's Salim group', an impressive treatise on the Chinese culture of corruption and greed which like a cancer has disguised itself as a 'necessary element' for societies to function and prosper through.

Of course and assisting that culture are those porus legislative 'rules' and 'laws' prohibiting 'corruption' through lack of proper definition of the offense. Malaysia stands out like a pair of dogs balls when it comes to poorly drafted legislation even judges struggle with but never admit to.

Wonder if Manjit Singh the judge knows what he is actually doing. He is after all a Malaysian judge.

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"Yet history chronicals the culture of corruption in the entire southeast Asian region (See the Asian Godfathers by Cambridge researcher Joe Studwell, Malaysian Maverick by Barry Wain who I shared lunch with in Singapore shortly before he passed)."

Adding "Cambridge" to Studwell's doesn't add anything to the sensationalist aura to his book. The research foundation is very shallow.

Cambridge produces graduates and graduates, obviously you can't tell the difference.

Likewise, Rickard Borsuk and Nancy Chng's 'Liem Sioe Liong's Salim group', shallow, sensational and designed to sell to the gossip market.

While you brag about "Barry Wain who I shared lunch with", he's another nobody, most journalists exiled to Southeast Asia are, you failed to include his hit pieces on Mamakthir. Still, his book wasn't a hit in spite of his "hits". I got my copy for rm5 shortly after it's release, it couldn't sell even for its "sensation". And did he hit on you, Lovely Boy?

Your half-baked drivel on "an impressive treatise on the Chinese culture of corruption and greed" is a load of old cobblers, those books you cited were purely speculative and about possible cronies - and not a thing that put the finger on anything Mamakthir and that fake moustached Vincent, ie nothing uncovered that links anybody to anything.

Unlike you, you must be absolutely thrilled "sharing lunch" with Wain, I knew Salim and family extremely well, his businesses, his investments far afield too. And I know none of you know anything about Salim.

And unlike the roti canai flipper artist you, I don't have to depend on anything any foreign exiled journalists hatch. Or make a beeg deal "sharing lunch" with any clueless journalists.

You've failed miserably to link any Chinese with any "greed and corruption". Your half-assed anti-Chinese sentiments always let you down, your "culture" of laziness about sources (mostly silly books), due diligence, and intellect integrity always expose you as of kampong longkang level.

Unlike Wain, I won't buy you a coffee when you rub your crotch in excitement "sharing lunch" with me. I won't have lunch with any dull-witted psycho lightweight boring garden variety racist, please put your feed back in the bin, bye!

"Cambridge" my holy ass! What?! You came from a lowly background or what?!

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Is Geeko Tech directly or Indirectly Connected to Tan Sri Salim, the Chairman of MCMC? The answer is NO!

The scandalous RM99 million deal was between @TourismMalaysia and Geeko Tech, a company controlled by Elizabeth Ken. Elizabeth is an employee of Redberry. Redberry is an outfit of the corporate genius Siew Ka Wei.

At the material time when Geeko Tech and Tourism Malaysia were negotiating on the RM99 million deal and when the deal was finally sealed, Siew Ka Wei was the Chairman of Tourism Malaysia!

A Chinese Company Tencent Holding Was Used As A Bait For the Scandalous RM99 mil Deal To Attract Chinese Tourists

The Chinese IT company, Tencent, was used as a bait for the scandalous Geeko deal to attract Chinese tourists. There was no due diligence carry out on Geeko by Tourism Malaysia under Siew Ka Wei's watch. When the RM99 deal was hatched and sealed Geeko Tech was in existence for only a few months and of course, headed by Elizabeth Ken, the powerful player.


With due respect, the scandalous GEEKO TECH DEAL was not connected directly or indirectly to the renting out of advertising space at KLIA by @malaysiaairport as alleged by Mr Murray Hunter. The Geeko Tech Deal was strictly about using Tencent Holding as a bait to attract Chinese tourists to visit Malaysia. Just to put the record straight.

it was true that the advertising space contract in KLIA was awarded by Malaysia Airport to a company, which is also an outfit of Siew Ka Wei. The said contract was renewed many times! Lets hope that Malaysia Airport will impose open tender before awarding such lucrative contracts to one company year in year out.

The said advertising space contract was awarded many years before Tan Sri Salim was the director of Malaysia Airport. From the information and records in my possession, Tan Sri Salim was never involved in the awarding of advertising space contract in KLIA to Siew Ka Wei's outfits or to Geeko Tech.

Siew Ka Wei Was Also Involved iIn The Scandalous Tablets Deal With PADU, Under The Ministry Of Education

Siew Ka Wei is a corporate genius whose name appears in government projects. One of which was PADU under the Ministry of Education. PADU was given the responsibility to purchase tablets and thereafter given to the students. There were many issues arose from this scandalous tablets deal as the tablets that were distributed were outdated! I have written extensively about this PADU tablets deal that was a connected to Siew Ka Wei.

Excerpt from Wee Choo Keong post on X. Link: https://x.com/weechookeong/status/1781284352745525691?s=48&t=lYXqBbqfvyv63xcpVvYxSw

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It sure appears Slimy Fateh Din Dong has being caught with his sarong down and his knickers in a twist over working the MCMC cistern to suit himself. It definitely stinks to high heavens of abuse of power and blatant corruption.

Din Dong Dumbwit by some dint has been exposed to be a fraudulent operator, no point for any honest soul to defend him - or the MCMC = Much Censorship Much Corruption.

I suppose the only way out of the jolly fine mess is for Dumb Din Dong to plead he didn't know what was going on. All the picks from our mostly ketuanan stock generally do not know wtf goes on about anything on their watch. They are always half-awake, half-dead, or totally brain-dead, definitely not clever. Maybe the grinning fcuk should declare he wasn't aware he was the head honcho of the MCMC.

Maybe he could do the old Mamakthir's macaivillain "I forgot" defence on behalf of Ling Liong Sick. Or get the missus to declare he's being picked on like Toon Dying, come to a hearing in a wheelchair and looking near dead and with Freddie Friday 13 Frankenstein or Mangosteen eyeballs, wtf.

If Dumb Din Dong pulls through with his stunt, he should be made a Toon. I won't recommend he have his sentences halved, he should speak in fool sentences.

Btw, have somewan drive the wheelchair s l o w l y, don't jump to attention when he hears this:


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Btw, accord full respect and courtesy to him even if Wee means to take the piss.

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