Syed sadiq has no knowledge or skill to build a political party. His gang have no real vision,policies and programs and neither do they have branches and divisions. Most tend to be sincere to help the community but a wangsa maju team think differently from that of setiawangsa,titiwangsa or taman melawati.

Syed need to sit down and work on this.Otherwise, what a waste of opportunity.

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Syed Saddiq,

You can learn a things or two from PAS. Think long term! You are still young and has a long way to go. PAS indoctrinates the rural and urban youths in their formative years. Whereas PH acts more like fly by night operator. Touch and go with its political agenda, which has no lasting influence and impact upon the youths.

Engage with the youth day by day, set up a blog and exchange ideas with them. Appreciate their challenges and hope and fear. Find solutions for their routine problems such as education or employments. Relationship with the opposite sex and so on. Be down to earth. Touch their heart and mind.

Listen to the advice of the ancient sage.

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Lao Tzu

Motivate the youth to read widely and passionately. That's the way to go.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

― Alvin Toffler (4 Oct 1928- 27 June 2016)

Get yourself educate too by reading these books. From the writings of these authors you will have an in depth appreciation of how far the road ahead of you you have to transverse . Reading these books will do you much good in understanding politics, economy and health and medical tyranny and the host of the lies and misinformation in the main stream media. For a start how about these titles?

1. Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley ( November 9, 1910 - January 3, 1977)

2.The truth about Covid19 by Dr Joseph Mercola.

3.Rockefeller Medicine Men by E. Richard Brown

4.Population Control-how corporate owners are killing us

by Jim Marrs

if you absorbed and digest the contents of these books, you will be better off compare to Khairy a much seasoned but naive politician.

Educate your potential voters who may become your MUDA party members some day eventually!

.Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave . Henry Peter Brougham ( 19 Sept 1778-7 May 1868)

If you want to be happy for an hour, go take a nap.

If you want to be happy for a day, go golfing.

If you want to be happy for a month, get married.

If you want to be happy for a year, inherit a fortune.

But if you want to be happy for a lifetime, go educate the people

Giving the youths of this nation real education in learning and reasoning is a new kind of freedom which has never been offered by any politician i have known so far.

He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Sir William Drummond (26 Sept 1769-29 March 1828)

Let me ask a question Syed Saddiq, when you are alone and surrounded by solitude and wonder about your future as to what kind of politician you will be like, remember this truth facing all mortals : after you are long gone, how do you want to be remembered?

How you answer this question will determine what kind of life you conduct yourself as you seek to create a space under the political sunshine .

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YB Syed Saddiq,

Bless are the youths for they shall inherit the national debt! But the future of this young nation involves more than just a humongous debt to consider, but more how to nurture and constitute the youths of this present generation with virtues. Youths who have wisdom, understanding, fortitude and vision for a nation with a large pool of talented individuals who excel in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Without this large pool of outstanding super achievers to contribute to nation building, the youths in the present and near future will most like to experience the following scenarios :

youth, a blunder,

adulthood a struggle,

and old age a regret.

Due to your youthfulness, I find that YB , you are the best candidate to pioneer this new idea to reverse the above scenarios!

I write to share a long term practical solution to solve Malaysia’s national challenges in its many manifestations in various forms such as the general ‘s population lack of ability to learn, short of motivation to read, think and write. Other dilemmas such as unemployment, endemic corruption in all level of society, lack of integrity, low morality, poor control of one’s emotion, obesity, low income, recklessness and boredom in daily living, idleness and listlessness in general.

All the above problems are common in every nation, Malaysia is no exception. The root cause of the problem is the failure to cultivate the space in between the ears. To instill values and substances in the faculty of the minds. The human tragedy of negligence in sowing the seeds of greatness, when the soul is most eager and ready to learn. This rare window of opportunity to sow greatness instead is wasted by ignorance, caused by out of date knowledge of parenting and lack of understanding of the psychology of how an unborn child learns, while still in the womb. This failure to sow the seed of greatness in the tender recess of the child’s mind while it is most receptive to receive learning. Instead it is being filled with the unintended negative spectrums of life. Such as fear, low self -esteem, rejection, transfer from constant turmoil of the mother from within ,mental sickness of the expectant mother, confusion, lack of peace, frequent quarrels or fight between parents, lack of love, lack of positive mental stimuli from the external world. Absence of positive exposures such as inspiring conversation, music, exposure to mathematics, words, sound of all nature and bonding exercise from reading to the unborn. All such positive input and learning given to the child before birth is a great head start for a child after birth as a learning foundation.

Let me give a few examples of real life cases.

• Boy wonder Kashrav gets into Malaysia Book of records (Jan 7, 2022 FMT) www.freemalaysiatoday.com) mother, a medical doctor investment to the child from the womb.

• Heart surgeon extraordinaire Dr Sotheenathan.(https://www.bulletinmutiara.com ) listening to his mother teaching in class-room, during her pregnancy.

• How brain develop in the first four years from conception.(https://www.newshub.co.nz)

• A 12-year-old child prodigy from Arizona sets her eyes on becoming an engineer in NASA in the next four years after graduating from college. https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/30181/20210317/12-year-old-chil-prodigy

• I met prof Maslina Darus a member of academy of science, President of Malaysia Mathematics society on 9 March 2019 in Rumah University during an international Women’s day celebration on giving recognition to outstanding women in Malaysia in the fields of science, chemistry and research, she was one of the recipients. During tea-break, I asked her this question, “ who is the significant person who ignites the passion for mathematics in her?” she replied my mother. I enquired further how was it done? she said, “ my mother did much mental calculation when I was in her womb.” That’s set her in the path to delight to number from the womb and later greatness in mathematics!

I can go on citing more examples of how prenatal exposures set a pattern and determine the future interest of a child after birth. More over, mental capacity, areas of interest, foundation for keenness to learn are all set while still in the womb. The mind’s neurons connections and maturity of the cells, multiply and grow depend on the intensity, frequency and quality of the stimuli and not on age of the unborn child. This is according to mind-mapping guru, Tony Buzan.

So YB Syed Saddiq, prevention is still the best solution to all the problems and challenges society face today. To do fire fighting for all the illnesses of society is ineffective, exhaustive and costly. Sow the seed of greatness today, for newly married couples and lay the foundation for the youth in your circle of influence and give these future parents a new set of parenting skill call prenatal education 101.

May we explore further how I can pass this seed of greatness for you to sow? Allow me to summarize the advantages of prenatal preparation to transform this nation.

Prenatal foundation for human greatness

An unborn child’s health, beauty, learning capability, emotional

Stability, self- esteem, social skills and life’s coping talents are all firmly rooted before birth & after conception. Pregnancy is a 9 months window of opportunity to prepare a newly conceived soul for greatness. Learn the art & science of prenatal Investment. Almost all child prodigies have such a foundation before birth!

9 months in the womb’s classroom is more significant than

Whatever exposure a child receives after birth!

The brain is very happy when you are focused on what you love. The more you focus on what you truly love and desire, the volume get turned down in those parts of the limbic system where the destructive emotions such as fear ,anger, depression & anxiety are controlled. This allow you to think clearly. You also turn up the volume in other parts of the limbic system that generates positive emotions. When this happens, you get a release of dopamine, endorphin and a variety of stress reducing hormones and neuron-transmitters. The more you focus on what you truly love, the healthier you are likely to be, and the more you will feel the positive effects of those stress reducing neuro chemical in your body and mind.

(Dr Andrew Newberg & Mark Waldman neuroscientist university of Pennsylvania’s center for spirituality and mind-born to believe book)

The human mind with its billion of cells, can only accommodate one kind of thought at one time. It cannot spontaneously entertain two thoughts at the same time. By prenatal deposit of thoughts to the unborn child, a firm and secured sound constitution of the mind, has already been formed and the child’s tender mind is used to this positive kind of thoughts and welcome more of the same as the time advances in the sojourn in the womb. A mind once stretches can never returns to its original dimension. Good thoughts deposited already in the mind is the greatest protection against all destructive thoughts.

A small bottle of fresh water, pour into the ocean will not transform the saltiness of the ocean water. Similarly all the laws to encourage obedience to moral laws or reminder to avoid committing crimes such as stealing, corruption, lying or cheating or killing or murder will not work, if the mind of the person is already filled with occupied with and constantly entertained in all the evil seeds of destruction.

A slogan to avoid corruption is just a drops of a few words, compare to vast ocean of thoughts on the greed and power of instant wealth, the glory of being rich and the comfort of life that comes with instant riches. The concept of easy riches that have been rooted, and occupying the mind of the person for years and years and his mental food day and night to motivate him to act corruptly cannot be changed so simply. The change has to come from within!

Prenatal investment for right substance and moral value already in the mind-set of the unborn will prevent the entry of opposite thoughts and garrison the corrupting influences of the external which once enters the mind cannot be easily extracted or eliminated.

In closing, allow me to quote Alvin Toffler ( 4 Oct 1928-27 June 2016)

“The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

Looking forward to hear from you soon!

Jordan Tan

Jordan9tan@yahoo.com 0163376517

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