The Chinese have this belief that the world belongs to them. Regardles of their achievements in all other areas of human endevour, their territorial claiims beggars belief. Even though people like professor Mabhubani of Singapore continues to espouse his ridiculous theory of China and its people being a peaceful nation that never attacked or conquereed any other nation, the evidence proves otherwise. Vietnam 1979, Cambodia via its proxy the Khemer Rouge in and around the same time, India 5 times since 1962, Tibet, Xinjiang and Mongolia.

A jaundiced complexion of skin and narrow eyes do not make anyone Chinese. And certainly Northern India, Xinjiang (a Turkic people in every respect) is not China either.

Today China releases maps that defy international law and in fact foreshadows claim to these areas including parts of Malaysia which Malaysia will need to defend militarily in the near future.

Malaysia will need to stand by those countries defending similar territorial claims by China which are illegtimate claims or face its battles against China alone. The US, Europe, Australia and other Western powers will ditch them when the Chinese arrive to assert their claims physically.

History demonstrates this last point clearly to be true. What Malaysia lacks is a statesman. It instead suffers from a congaline of wannabes who are helping to weaken the country aided by incompetent lawyers, legislators and judges.

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..Anwar will be that man to bridge the divide between china and all these countries? According to them, the map in valid and they are parking their aircraft carrier at sipanggar bay soon.😄

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"Cambodia via its proxy the Khemer Rouge“ You seem to be ignorant the Khmer Rouge was a US proxy, and the Khmer Rouge was trained by the SAS.

" India 5 times since 1962..." India has always been by appointment water carrierwallah to the West, particularly the US. As a nation of savages (Uncle Churchill) dying to desperately change from black and dark brown to white via excessive and thoroughly dangerous use of skin whitening concoctions, the water carrierwallahs never ceased to grovel at the feet of the white sahibs.

If India wants to scare the Chinese it should threaten with gang rapes and uncontrollable violence, for touching a bleeding cow, Muslims can get horrifically beaten up and burned. The same is done to victims of violent rapes.

Manipur, Assam, chunks of the northeast all want out of the imperialist creation of putting disparate kingdoms together and calling the rojak "India".

The savages have nothing sacred, the holy rivers are shared between human corpses and dead holy cows. Recently we saw the horrific spectacles of Covid victimd clogging the holy rivers and their banks. Widows are chucked into funeral pyres like Covid victims who are dry roasted in car parks. While those half-alive get tortured in long queues outside the ill-equipped cowboy hospitals.

"Xinjiang (a Turkic people in every respect)" There has not been anybody "Turkic" in any respect centuries ago. It's only megalomaniac Sultan Erdogan dreaming big about the return of the Ottoman Empire with him, son-in-law and daughter ruling the empire in a nice bit of hallucination.

We often hear of the Muslim Uyghurs only, Xinjiang has Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Nestorians, Taoists, etc how come they are not of any concern to those who miss out on millions of Muslims slaughtered in the Middle East?

"which Malaysia will need to defend militarily in the near future" Sunshine, Malaysia was first to build an airbase on a contested island. So it seems Malaysia can look after itself and does not really need any armchair general from the plantations. We have stealthy LCSs too, they are so invisible that nobody is sure they even exist. I have full confidence if we round up the plantation gangsters, and get back our fighter aircraft engines from South America we can even take on the Chinese, Alhamdulilah!

"A jaundiced complexion of skin and narrow eyes do not make anyone Chinese."

I'm rather lost with that gem. What's that supposed to mean? And what is the esteemed remark for, please?

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China should do its own bit of annexation, do a Kashmir-like grab, and find a Sikkim to take over.

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This map thingy, anwar is coming put with his own version. Probably it covers the pacific too. Let us see what he says this 4th sept in jakarta. 😄

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It should cover the Pacific. For a long while Anwar, our Gandhi, Mandela, and God's gift, styled himself as the Second Coming of Rizal, Anwar tried selling himself as the new "Renaissance Man" and the One that will lead the Malay race to its prominence and glory.

Anwar's "Malay race" covers the region from the now Myanmar and Yunnan in China to the whole Pacific region far beyond the Philippines. We don't even know what a "Malay" is, but our colonial anthropologist uncles tell us the "Malays" are everywhere.

Anwar being Anwar, he'd as usual go for a lot of talking in Jakarta before getting nowhere.

If China concedes and gives us the islands we think we own, there's fat chance our geniuses would know what to do with them than use the coconut trees to laze under and strum the guitars and croon or croak the songs we stole from Indonesia.

Unless we go out and fight the Chinese, we had best shut up, stop the posturing, and hope we won't end up drinking palm oil five times a day for as long as the Chinese tell us to shove that up ours.

Unless our Yank uncles, we've many among the neocon friends of Anwar, send their military to defend us, we will be like a fly to the China elephant.

I've said the Chinese have parked their coastguard vessel very near Miri for a very long time and we've yet to see our submarines (parked at Sabah) gone out to tell the Chinese to scram. I vote we volunteer our Yank saviours come and sort out the embarrassment of occupation for us.

I'm itching to see a nice battle between the Yanks and our Chinese uncles, the world too wants to know just how good the Chinese military is.

We can fight side by side with our Yank saviours, with them hiding behind us while we be the cannon fodder. I, for one, would like to see how good the Chinese electromagnetic guns and lasers are, they are touted as the new and latest super duper weapons, and worthy of the sacrifice of our military to find out.

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..or we can present our own version of the map🤣

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The Chinese has had their coastguard vessel parked near Miri in Sarawak for a good many years now. We could have driven that away and even started a war with the Chinese ages ago.

And why didn't we?

We still have those dud submarines, and now Admiral Sanusi. There's still time to fight the good fight, Anwar should turn to his Yank neocon friends send us all the help we need, we've already forgotten the famous retreat from Afghanistan. But doing a "Ukraine" should be profitable enterprise.

Oh! I've almost forgotten, those naughty Sulu warriors and Anwar's buddies with their limited firearms and little canoes invading Sabah was more than a handful for us!

Yes, come on, men - chaaarge..!

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